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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

No No No Part Glee: The Gleeks Pump this new remix

I think Destiny's Child put it best when they sang the poignant phrase: "You be saying no no no no no when its really yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah." And this Glee episode was all YEAH BABY YEAH. (Austin Powers... in Goldmember starring Beyonce, & circle fits the square)

This week's return really encompassed all that makes Glee so glorious: its couples and their relationship breakthroughs. And this week we found many of our favorite characters staring longingly into their significant other's eyes and saying "boy I know you want me I can see it in your eyes, but you keep on frontin why don't you say what's on your mind?" There were big love decisions to be made and I  honestly don't know how they are going to make a Valentine's Day episode that tops the mushiness of this- although maybe they'll take a page from my book and do a Valentines Day Death Episode and wear all black and pump their fists to some powerful Beyonce jams. (Queen B reference #3 already?)

But I digress, the meat of this episode was in each couple's Yes/No moment...shall we begin?

Sam and Mercedes. They kicked us off with a much-hyped version of Summer Nights. Best part of this performance was 1. The setting and 2. The part when the camera zoomed in on Sam's face and then Mercedes' face faded in beside his and Sam looked like he jumped back in fear. Symbolism, people. So that song really clears up their summer fling for everyone, right? Not really, but apparently they went to the lake and got dirty down in the sand. Ew. But now Mercedes is all, "Sam, I have a boyfriend." And Sam is all "But Mercedes, we belong together, remember the carousel?" And then she was all "maybe I do love Sam." And I was all "vomit all over my laptop." YES??? NO???? It's going to be a no for me (Simon) but luckily you only need 2 yes's to get a golden ticket to hollywood so you still have a chance to win American Idol!

Becky and Artie. After Artie got shut down by Sugar Motta, (YESX20 to that pairing) Becky/Helen Mirren (genius) had her sights set on him and his driving gloves. I'm with you Becky- besides his skinny arms making your legs look big, he is the perfect man. So Becky was saying yeah yeah yeah but Artie was like nooooo. But they handled it like grown-ups, especially Becky who is a BOSS and Toy Story 3 is definitely one of the greatest movies of all time.

Finn and Mr. Shue. Guess what, young 17 year old? I am your 30-something year old teacher and would like for you to be my best man!!!    Really guys? Now I love my dance team girls as much as the next coach but if I ever ask any of you to be my maid of honor please slap me and send me out into the world to make friends. But this awkward friendship did lead us to other revelations like 1. Finn is thinking about enlisting in the military and 2. Finn's dad wasn't actually killed in The Iraq- he died of a drug overdose. Yowza- that one hurt. This causes Finn to be all depressed- but I think going into the military would actually be a good story for him. So I guess I'll give this couple a si si senor because Finn will be able to get wasted at Will and Emma's wedding, and who doesn't want to see that?

WHICH LEADS ME TO THE BEST PROPOSAL I HAVE EVER SEEN. No, it's not what you think- I'm talking about Will and Emma. After Emma reveals to her gal pals (Coach Beiste and Sue) that she has wedding bell blues, Will contemplates proposing. Come on Will, Emma stood by you through your other marriage, coming in last at regionals (small trophies are zeee worst) and your inappropriate performance of Toxic at the homecoming assembly. She's a keeper. After getting an earful from her evil ginger parents, Will decided that Emma was THE ONE and proceeded to walk in slow motion to a synchronized swimming proposal spectacular! Was anyone else silently sobbing through that slow motion hall way walk? Especially when Sue handed the last rose. I. WAS. DONE. YES YES YES to Emma and Will, even despite that ridiculous white top hat! Hurray for love! So this was the big moment of this week's episode right????

Not if Finn and Rachel have anything to do with it! So everyone knows I love me some Rachel and Finn. However, this episode made me feel like there will and should be an end to Finchel eventually. First of all, they are in high school. This ain't Saved by the Bell, Glee kids- y'all don't all have the same SAT scores and same ambitions and therefore will not be moving into a coed suite in the local university. And if you do, you are dumb because SOME of you (ahem Rachel, Kurt, Blaine and even Finn) are destined for bigger things. In addition, I tend to think that if you marry your high school boyfriend/girlfriend then you probably haven't changed or grown much since you were 16/17, and your marriage might turn out something like Will and Terri's. (minus the fake baby) So you better RUN RUN, Rachel (MC Hammer) because it seems like Finn only wants to marry you to make himself feel special again... but then again, isn't that always the key to  successful marriage? I'm going to go with HOW BOUT NOOOOOOO.

Overall Grade for the Episode: A+++ One of the best episodes they have ever done.

Favorite Performance of the episode: Tie. We Found Love and The First Time I Ever Saw your Face. We Found Love because it further proves my point that anyone can sing a Rihanna song and make it sound better. Why don't we just go ahead and give all of her songs and wardrobe to Santana and rid the music world of her low energy and off-key live performances. YOU WILL NEVER BE BEYONCE! The First Time performance had me in tears about 2 seconds in. I mean the flashback of Rachel and Finn in the hallway was an emotional backslap and then Santana's look of love and adoration at Brittany just simultaneously punched me around the nose, ear and throat.

Best Moment of the episode: (And best moment of my life) When Artie threw himself into the pool.

Least favorite moment of the episode: The weird cut-aways to Mr. Shue in Moves Like Jagger wearing only a wife-beater and doing slow motions spins. Why is he always spinning in slow motion?

Other random thoughts:
Emma has a nice voice! You go girl! 
Sue and Becky are great pair. She taught some great life lessons this week
It's always a sad day when Quinn and Blaine aren't featured in a glee episode
Artie floating around in the pool was fweakin hilair
Cooter and beiste's marriage seems good to go- sarcasm.
Coach NeNe: I was TRULY shocked at how great you did. And close ur legs to married men.
Synchronized Swim Team nicknames= Great Trouty Mouth mention. Well done Glee Writers.
Is Rachel not getting into NYADA??? Not another dream deferred! My heart can't take it
Brittany said something dumb and unfunny but I can't remember what it was

Next new episode in 2 weeks:
Mj tribute- You guys are in for a treat.

About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.