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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Asian F: What about that Chang Chang Chang

As hyped up as this episode was (and as many spoilers as I had watched beforehand) I was still overall extremely pleased with "Asian F." Shall we begin the psycho over-analysis now?

Let's talk about the Asian elephant in the room first: MIKE CHANG! (whoop whoop whoop) I'm not obsessed with him, (he does the same spinning on the floor move over and over...i'm a hater) but I like him and thought his story worked well with this episode. We got to see a different side of him which is nice, and I LOVED his solo/liked his voice. It reminded me of Brittany's voice, not bad, not good (more on her later). I also love Puck's smiling face in that audition performance. (Side Note: I also still like Artie and Tina. Poor Artie. Can we get more Artie singing?) But that's about all I have to say about Mike Chang. Girl bye.

Onto the next order of business: One Jennifer Hudson, I mean Mercedes Jones. 
Ok, Mercedes annoyed the SHIT out of me in this episode. Just some general thoughts, even if she can sing as well as Jennifer Hudson (which they nodded to many times tonight.. hello Spotlight? Effie? I want J Hud to come to Mercedes in a dream or something later in the season) she is NO Beyonce. Jennifer Hudson, as great as she is, didn't win American Idol (which led to her sympathy Oscar. Don't get me started) because she is a star, but not THE star. Rachel Berry is the Beyonce of the New Directions (yeah, I said it).  She has the voice, performance quality, AND work ethic. Mercedes is GREAT but lacks the latter two. Anywho, she was a little brat the whole episode because her boyfriend encouraged her to be a star and outshine Rachel blah blah blah. Again, didn't we already resolve this in the Season 2 "Night of Neglect" episode when Mercedes felt overshadowed by Rachel? But then they made up? I'm over it, and their duet was good but not as good as Season 2's "Take Me or Leave Me." But I guess Glee needed a reason for Mercedes to join Ms. Corkery's glee club, which I think will provide for some fabulous drama throughout the coming weeks. So I'm cool with it.

On a related note, I love Rachel Berry and I think she can do no wrong. SHE IS PERFECT TO PLAY MARIA and should have gotten the part hands down. Might I remind you that West Side Story requires singing AND acting?  She also has wanted to play Maria forever, so wtf is wrong with her fighting for the role? And pump the brakes on the statement that Mr. Shue favors Rachel! Although he has given her more solos in the past, it is because as Kurt stated in season 1 "damn her talent" and "Rachel's our star".  Shue actually has "shat" on Rachel many times over the course of the show, (remember when he gave Tina the West Side Story song?) so again Mercedes, shut up! As far as Rachel running for President, I do think that's a little messed up to step on her BFF's toes like that, but it's in her personality,  so whatever. But isn't she like the most hated person in school? So I doubt she will win. (And Finn best vote for her!)

Speaking of presidential campaigns, Brittany S. Pierce should NEVER IN HER LIFE try to cover a Beyonce song again. Santana should have just stolen the mic from her because Ms. Lopez sounded all kinds of great. The dancing was awesome (she stole my choreo for our American Madness routine but it's all good) and Sue dancing the stands was splendid.

Favorite performance of the episode:
It's All Over (Dreamgirls)- everyone got to sing, Santana killed it, Puck and Finn looked so cute, and it spoke to the fact that Mercedes was annoying everyone. Kurt bring it down an octave.

Least favorite performance of the episode:
Spotlight- (gosh I am hating hard on Mercedes) she did a good job singing it, but the song wasn't even a hit for J Hud. And the song is about a smothering boyfriend. Had she directed it at Shane it would have made more sense maybe? Wack attack and boring.

avorite Moment of the episode:
Finn celebrating loudly after Rachel won the coin toss. Hahaha.

Least favorite moment:
In Booty Camp trying to master "the most difficult step in show choir history". I didn't get that.

Other random thoughts:
-I want some Quinn/Puck interaction and I want it now!
-SO GLAD that Santana is back and that she has a lead role in WSS. (Although her return kind of left me like wait what?) But I'm happy.
-Blaine and Kurt are da together and I hope Kurt wins.
-Will and Emma are talking marriage??? Wawawewa
-Missing my Lauren Zizes wisecracks, and Sue's

Overall Episode Grade: A- (oh snap did I just give this episode an Asian F?)

Next Episode: There is a break until November 1 (I'm gonna die!) but all I remember seeing is Puck and Shelby looking flirtatious. Just kill me. 

Go Glee!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, I am dying. This is the best thing I've read in a long time.


About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.