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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It Ain't Easy Being King of the Leprechauns (Hallelujah, Holla Back)

Top of the morning ta ya!

Glee got a new character! Yay? I didn't watch the Glee Project (except for the last 5 minutes where they announced the winners) so I wasn't in much anticipation for the Irish dude. (Side note: I think it's unwise to let one cast members sing more than one solo per episode... it's boring) That being said, Lucky Charms is a really great singer, and I liked both of his songs- I thought he had a voice similar to Artie's. Man, I bet Artie is pissed that he will never get another solo again. As for Irishy McIrishman's storyline... come on man. So over the "omg Britney is so immature and dumb, let's make up 1 liners about her fat cat and magic unicorns." And if I never have to see that fat cat again I will die a happy gleek! We will see how the Leprechaun fits in the rest of the season. I can see him killing a Christmas song. On to the next one.

Let's talk about Santana, baby. Brit Brit and the artist lovingly referred to as Satan's love affair still hasn't sold me. On the one hand, I believe and understand that Satan loves Brit, and I love Satan Lopez so you go girl, but Brittany is so dumb, their dating relationship is just happening because Brit is single?  I feel sorry for Santana because she is in love with an idiot (Finn hit the nail on the idiot head, although he prob shouldn't have said that to her face) who will date anyone. I'm also sad that Santana left New Directions- it just ain't right. People need to stop bitching about getting solos and be a team player! Sometimes standing in the back of the formation is fun! (Anyone VDT Member who ever stood in the back for the camp dance can attest to this). And Candyman was just ite for me. With all of the songs in the world, and all the Xtina songs for that matter, the choice to use this song as the TroubleTones first number was like whaaa?

Moving on to by used-to-be favorite character, Quinny. Even though as a Quinn fan I am extremely annoyed (I miss her days of rockin her Cheerios uni and high pony) I do understand her motives more. As she explained to Puck, Beth is her chance to not mess up something perfect. (Referring to how she messed up her Cheerios captaincy, her perfect relationships with Sam and Finn, and her prom queen ambitions). Glad that Puck undid her Shelby-sabotage, though. Speaking of Shelbs and Noah...

I'm not as grossed out at this as I thought I would be. I'm truly shocked at myself. Puck is the cutest, and I actually like Shelby. This could be an interesting storyline, if Puck is 18 and they fall in love or something. He could be Rachel's step dad!!! Gwoss.

As far Sue and Burt's campaigns- could not care less. However my favorite line from the episode came from an exchange between the two when Sue says: "It might be a better use of school funds than flying the glee club to New York without a set list only to lose with a song they made up the night before." Finally someone acknowledges how poorly planned the Nationals trip was!

Favorite Performance of the Episode: 
Puck's "Waiting for a Girl Like You". I love Puck, I can't help it. (I also loved Last Friday Night, but it had nothing to do with episode.)

Least Favorite Performance of the Episode:
The Trouble Tones' "Candyman". I'm such a hater! It just made me think of missed opportunities and better songs that could have been sung by Mercedes and Santana. (Brittany did have a great performance though, of course)

Favorite Moment of the Week:
The original glee clubbers (minus Rachel) waving to Mercedes while she practiced with the trouble tones. Took me back to a simpler time. Sigh. 

Least Favorite Moment of the Week: 
Brittany carrying that fat cat in the room, and proceeding to eat its chocolate poop. Just no! 

Laugh out Loud Moment: When Santana made fun of Tina for crying about everything.

Other random thoughts:
I love Principal Figgins, I also loved Epiphany from General Hospital outside his office with a sign that said "ANGRY"
Rachel/Finn dancing during "Last Friday Night" was a highlight for me.
So excited that Sam is coming back! Now where is Zizes?
Loved when Rory hit the falsetto and Kurt was like bitch what?

Overall grade for this week: B

Next Week's Episode: Kurt/Blaine and Finchel getting it on! I can only imagine the songs they might sing. I am beyond excited! 

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About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.