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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Do you hear what I hear? Who is it? Who is it? Who is it? It's Glee

Before I delve into this week's Christmas episode, I'd like to offer all of my countless readers a chance to make a Christmas contribution to my dance team. (Remember that time you loved me enough to give me money?) In the spirit of Christmas and Glee- visit this link to donate. 
Every little bit helps! :-) :-) :-)

Fa la la la la! Glee Christmas episode.  If you are like me and have seen every Glee episode several times, you probably weren't expecting a lot of excitement in this episode. And with 10 musical numbers- you can't expect much or any forward plot movement. Instead, those adorable and talented glee kids taught us what the holidays- no not the holidays- what Christmas is all about. I will list what I learned now:

1. Christmas is all about forgiveness. Sue forgave the kids for making her bleed from the ears, the kids forgave Sue for ruining their lives for the past couples of years. Quinn forgave herself for ruining the first half of your senior year and Artie forgave Brittany for those malfunctioning legs she made him use last Christmas. Sam forgave everyone for uprooting him to compete in sectionals and moved back home- wait a second... And I forgive Glee for taking away Lauren Zizes and replacing her with a Scottish kid who only sings song about his homeland.

2. Christmas is all about rejecting gifts from your boyfriend.
Girls, you know when your boyfriend acts like he's not going to give you anything for Christmas or Valentine's Day and you go along with it and pretend to be sad and then when that special day finally arives....SURPRISE! He actually got you exactly what you wanted!!!!!! DO NOT accept his gift. Sell it for cash and give that shit to someone who really deserves it or you are probably a selfish, materialistic person like Kim Kardashian. That whore! Besides, the gift probably was less about you and more about him, for example a star he "bought for you" is probably just named after himself. On a less sarcastic note, that star part made me cry, because it made me flash forward to months from now when Rachel and Finn will inevitably have to part ways. Lord beer me strength!

3. Christmas is all about forgetting about your moral and religious convictions. You're a vegan? Well fun times for you because this Christmas you get to adopt and name an African pig that will be slaughtered in your name! Oh you're Jewish... Hanukkwhat? If all of your friends love Christmas- you should probably just go along with it and sing songs about Santa and Jesus Christ being born. And if you're GAY?  Fahged about et! Instead of using a television show to educate your fellow citizens about acceptance, just call your boyfriend your holiday roommate. (Loved that).

4. Christmas without your family sucks. I feel you on dat one, Rory. Can't wait to get home.

5. Christmas is great and all, but its all about being sad. You want cheer and happiness, well I want Frosty the Snowman! Children should hear the truth! That man melted and DIED, yall! PEOPLE DIE YOU KNOW! And you homeless people, guess what? There are people in Africa who are hungry too, and you should  "thank God it's them instead of you." All they have are the "bitter sting of tears of" and "the clanging chimes of doom" as opposed to all the great stuff you have. If you want to feel even better, the glee club is going to sing to you about how lucky/hungry you are whilst looking really happy, just so you know.

If it sounds like I'm criticizing this episode- it's because I am, in a loving way. I just love Christmas so much and would have liked to have my brain teased before a long month without a new glee episode. That being said, I liked this years episode slightly more than last year- the black and white special was hilarious. Kurt and Rachel really know how to overact and fake smile- NYADA woop! And how could I ask for more when I have Finn and Puck dressed as Luke Skywalker and Han Solo singing about Santa.

Overall, it wasn't my favorite episode, but I loved it as I love all Glee episodes. And I'm so ready for Christmas omg.

Favorite Performance of the episode: My Favorite Things performed by Rachel, Mercedes, Blaine and Kurt. Maybe I liked this so much because it was the only one I hadn't already listened to on the Glee Christmas Cd. Rachel sounded perfect! And I love that song.

Least favorite performance of the episode: Do they know it's Christmas performed by the New Directions. Again, singing to homeless people about people having it worse than you and asking them to "feed the world" seems a wee bit out of place.

Favorite moment of the episode: Mike Chang (No relation to Tina Cohen-Chang) pas de chat-ing across the room before the ribbon dance.

Least favorite moment of the episode: Rachel being mean to Finn. That ain't cool RB. She was probably just mad that no one was mentioning Hanukkah up in that place.

Other Random Thoughts
Ribbon dance- yes!
I agree- Christmas would definitely be cancelled if your wireless internet stopped working
Lol on Rachel's gifts to Blaine- Bow tie and capri pants
You bought a real turkey and prepared it with stuffing to be used as a prop? 
Santa probably won't make it this year because we are nearing the "end times." Greatttt
Wish I could watch Rory's Kentucky Christmas. I imagine a lot of awkward silence.
SPOILER ALERT FOR ANYONE UNDER 10: Does Brittany still think that Santa exists or did she figure it out?

Next New Glee episode all the way in 2012:
Will proposes to Emma!!!!! Flash forward to me sobbing while putting on my makeup on a Wednesday morning. 


1 comment:

  1. Major props to the makers of glee for their not-so-subtle commentary on gender and sexuality during their televised holiday spooktacular!! An exemplary case of subversion in action!! (over throwing from beneath) I loved it so much and to those who are uncomfortable with Kurt's gayness i say to the left to the left. Glee can def survive sans the homophobes out there!!! #bornthisway


About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.