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Friday, October 5, 2012

I'll never let go, Jack. Unless my hand gets cold & then I'm out

These are the breaks... break it up break it up break it up BREAK DOWN!

Finally, after years of glorifying long-term teenage romances, Glee has come to their senses and finally made an episode that exposes the harsh reality of what happens after the snow falls in New Haven: Face it- post-honeymoon phase, most relationships SUCK and everyone should just BREAK UP!

Haha, no I'm just kidding, I'm sure some relationships are great (yeah right). But as someone who is SAF (or "single as a dollar bill" as my friend Pattle called me yesterday) all I have to say is: Leggo, Single girl swag, Imma do me, it's called a breakup not a breakdown, If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it, All my single ladies, and to the left to the left!

I will now give a single person's verdict of these break-up scenarios, because clearly I am the most qualified to analyze others' relationships. Follow me or perish, sweater monkeys.

If he doesn't call you for 4 months, he's just not that into you: A Finchel Story
Dun Dun Dun awk awk city bitch. Ah, it seems like only yesterday when Rachel and Finn were sharing their first awkward kiss in the auditorium... fast forward a few years, and it turns out the F in Finn stands for FAILURE, as that is what Finny Bear has become after pulling a Plaxico, being discharged from the army and "back-packing across Georgia." WTF does that even entail? Are you staying at Holiday Inns, eating at country diners and hanging with NeNe and Kim? Rough life, son. F also stands for FAVE SHIRT as Finn loves his baby blue Rugby shirt. Apparently during those 4 months by himself, he ran into a wise Samaurai who taught him the art of "popping up", or just showing up at your girlfriends apartment like nothing's wrong, and he did just that. ("You gotta POP UP. Don't come in there like 'what the hell is this?!' You have to walk in like nothing happened like 'Hey, what's up just stopping by to say Hi! and pop UP!" - Lauren Boswell). And his pop-up totally worked! Rachel seemed so happy to turn her life back into the Finnberry Show; she even let him sit in on her pointless dance rehearsals. (Kate Hudson must have been out this week because she never would have allowed that!) But Finn's insecurities once again got the best of him, and Finchel was forced to face the real issues going on in their "relationship":

Issue 1: Rachel made out with Brody
Issue 2: Finn needs Rachel to make him feel "special", and he is bringing nothing to the table right now, he can't even sing it out!
Issue 3: Finn is jealous of Rachel's success
Issue 4: Rachel cannot be taken seriously with that hair
Issue 5: Finn is a little bitch

Hey Finn, why you mad?  You set Rachel free! You uttered one of the corniest words in the English dictionary and made her "surrender," so shut thee fuck up! If she makes out with someone else, it's because YOU BROKE UP WITH HER, and it's because she wants to... and she's just not that into you anymore! And clearly you are not that into her either, if you didn't call her for FOUR FREAKING MONTHS. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that you broke up with her in the first place, but don't just change your mind because you aren't doing so well! That's the equivalent of packing your bags and leaving your husband and then it's starts raining so you're like "honey can I move out tomorrow morning instead?" No.

Verdict: Both parties are guilty. Finn is guilty of being indecisive and weak, Rachel is guilty of having ridiculous hair. Break-up forreals and let's revisit this again at Christmas ok?

Klaine's Pain: Neglect, Betrayal and Poking aka Why Don't You Love Me? When I Make Myself So Easy to Love?
Remember when Kurt used to wear his hair in a swoop and just wanted to kiss a boy for the first time? Now he can barely make time for a two-minute conversation with the most perfect human being on Earth, and BOOM another favorite couple in on the rocks! Blaine is feeling low, because Kurt has no time for him, so he also decides to POP UP POP UP in New York. Kurt is happy to see him, but notices that Blaine seems a little down in the dumps, dramatic and criminally INSANE whilst singing Teenage Dream, Karoke version. It turns out, Blaine is sad because he feels guilty for CHEATING ON KURT! GASP! Louder!!! what up sexy? nm here jc. love, internet Eli. So we are all supposed to be mad at Blaine right? WRONG. Cheating is wrong yadda yadda yadda, but I fully blame Kurt and I don't care I don't care I don't care. Blaine was self-sabotaging, probably so he could get a chance to see if Kurt even cared about him anymore! Breaking my heart/give my heart a break! :-( I love Blaine, and Kurt needs to wake up, smell the hair gel, and realize his role in this whole thing. If you are going to promise to make this long-distance relationship work, you need to hold up your end!

Verdict: Both are guilty. Klaine is guilty only because poking is ew and he needs to have some more self-esteem. Kurt is sentenced to life in prison for not appreciating the wondrous and powerful Blaine Warbler. So Kurt, forgive Blaine and get your act together!

Brittana, You're a great cheerleader it's just.. maybe you're not "Boyfriend Material"
Wow, this was thrown up in there like we cared wasn't it? Unlike the other idiot couples, Satana and Brit are actually trying to make it work long-distance. Satana comes home every weekend to hang with her GF and go to freaky apocalypse meetings with her. (Santana, you are missing out on some great parties... but okay.) But still, Brittany is not feeling satisfied. Why you mad Brittany? Why are you crying Heathaaaa? Santana is just trying to get her education and flirty smile on! So after a bunch of blah blah blah and one well-sung but irrelevant "break-up song" from Santana, they decided to break it off. As Becky Jackson would say... BORRRRING. Can't you get into a girlfight or something?

Verdict: They are both not guilty. Just shut up and dance, Brittany- the dance floor is your new lover and you need to make up for lost time.

Wemma, Shuddddup and get married already. I need another Glee Wedding in my life. I speak for everyone when I say NO ONE CARES ABOUT THIS.

Letters of concern to Jake and Marley:

Dear Marley, you are too boring to stand. Please step up your game to make me care about you more so that every scene of Grease doesn't make me wish that Tina Cohen Chang was cast as Sandy. Better yet, just call up Olivia Newton John, she still got it! Let's get ethical!

Dear Jake, don't date Marley- she is boring.

Overall Grade for the Episode: B++
Best episode ever made? Did I watch the wrong episode by mistake or something? Another attempt by Ryan Murphy to try to make fetch happen. Don't get me wrong, it was good, but don't throw around "Best Episode Ever" like it's nothing. I can name 15 episodes off the top of my head better than this one, just tweet me if you would like to hear them in order. The songs were ill-placed, I would have put Teenage Dream as the closing number with Blaine by himself, reminiscing on his relationship, instead it was just awkward and embarrasing for him. And Give your heart a break should have been a story song with Brody telling her to giver her heart a break! The words so clearly applied to the plot of the episode!

Favorite Performance of the Episode: They were all let-downs after I spoiled the song list for myself (I blame the Bookie girl). But I'll pick "Give your Heart a Break" performed by Brody and Rachel. Damn you Demi Lovato you created a monster and this song will never not sound good!

Least Favorite Performance of the Episode: They were all disappointing but they were also all slightly good. I'll say Don't Speak performed by Finchel and Klaine because it was overly dramatic and boring.

Favorite Moment of the Episode: When Kurt fan kicked off the fountain and sprinted away during the "Dont Speak" performance"

Least Favorite Moment of the Episode: Finn back at McKinley... just say no to drugs dude.

1. Brody- for keeping it classy dude.
2. Kitty - You would have been number one had you not blasphemed Barack Hussein Obama, I say his middle name because it matters
3. Dottie, where have you been? Cuz I never see you out. We've been left behiiiiiiiiiiiiind!
4. Blaine- stop being weak gleeotch
5. Santana - she's still got it!
6. Sugar Motta Lives
7. Sam - trouty mouth is the show now
8. Jake - still hot
9. Emma (good for you I guess)
10. Sandy Ryerson (thanks Maggie for bringing up his name, now I can't get him out of my head)

Rachel Berry- you're OUT! YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US until you get a hair cut.

Other thoughts:
Why is Rachel wearing full makeup and flashes to bed?
"Dude u totally spooked me" - Finn
Another Sugar Motta- less episode... not cool
What the heck is up with travel costs for these fools? They just go from Lima to New York to Lima like it's nothing
Has Coach Beiste been in this season?
When is Kitty gonna join the club??? I wonder what her voice sounds like? 
Is Carrie Bradshaw done with her guest role or what?

Next New Episode:
SAAAAAANDY oh SAAAAANDY. If they screw up Grease then I have no hope. Although I saw Brody running in slow motion again so it can't be but so bad.

About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.