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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bus Blog bout Brothers Blaine Broken Back Baby on the way.

You cannot measure the immensity of the F I don’t give about this Glee episode. 

I had bigger fish to fry this week so I’m so sorry I’m not sorry to my millons of readers out there who have had to wait until now to read my insights on this episode.  It also took me 3 days to download the episode so imagine my disappointment when I realized that this was a stupid effing episode. Also I have been on a bus for over 12 hours and I am ready to eat this bus driver as my dinner that I haven’t had yet so excuse my negativity. 

But seriously, let's talk about how disappointed I am about this episode. 
Flashback to 2 months ago when Glee left us hanging by a thread. It’s the end of the episode "On my way" and I’m left to think that Quinny Poo may be dead. But then of course I google Glee spoilers and find a picture of her in a wheelchair. (I had to do it- I couldn’t live my life not knowing.) But still- I was excited to see how they would introduce this traumatic incident into the end of the year storylines. Maybe we would pick up at Rachel and Finn’s wedding ceremony when they find out the news.. And everyone rushes to the hospital to find Quinn’s mangled body on life support… Rachel sings a song a la 'Papa Can you hear me' in “Grilled Cheesus” and Puck and Sam realize they are in love with Quinn and stand vigil by her bedside and maybe even engage in a fist fight… and the whole gang sits around her as a ghost Quinn wakes up and sings “if I die young.” And I would be crying and sweating and clapping.

But alas.. none of this happened.

What did happen:
Homegirl rolls up (literally) all cheerful and at peace with her paralysis and is even wearing a YELLOW sweater. Symbolism anyone? And that’s it. All I get is a few half tears from Tina and a less than 30 second breakdown from Rachel??? I’m just done. DELETE DELETE DELETE. I am glad that Quinn isn’t upset (although she may be in denial) but to rob the viewers of an emotional glee moment is messed up. And after such a long hiatus! Delete.

In other news that I don’t care about- Blaine has a brother who he is jealous of. Do I really have to recap this???  I have no idea who the F that guy is and thus I don’t give a F. Did Blaine really get 3 songs in this episode while RB got ZERO???!??!?!?! WHAT IS GOING ON??? The pointing thing was funny. 

Thank Jesus for Noah Puckerman. He wants Finn to move with him to LA and ditch the old ball and chain to help him run a pool-cleaning business……Although this idea is stupid like every other idea Puck has, it forces Finn to reevaluate his life plan which previously has involved being Rachel’s little bitch for the rest of his life. Good for you, Finn! However, moving to LA to clean pools is equally as dumb as moving to NY to be Rachel’s trophy husband so why don’t you just come up with an idea yourself and see where that takes you? Emma Pillsbury, help these idiots out with a career center or something. 

Sue is still pregnant and now has a reason to be on screen more- NeNe is stealing her Cheerios. Another point for NeNe for saying Sue’s newborn will make Partner at a law firm upon birth. If I wasn’t so tired on this bus I would add something like bahahahah lmao lol, etc.

Did anything else happen? I was so bored I don’t even want to go back and watch again.

Oh yeah, Senior Ditch Day. Yawn. Tina you ain’t a Senior. Stop being so co-dependent on Mike Chang and the Glee Club.

Also- “Still Standing” performed by Artie and Quinn: I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you aren’t still standing better than you ever did.

Overall Grade for this Episode: A- (haha I still love Glee so yeah)

Favorite Moment of the Episode- Quinn and Artie going up the ramp. Now that was just plain adorable. A little bit of Dianna Agron coming through.

Least Favorite Moment of the Episode- Any time Blaine was annoying and whiny. Wah wah. Notice this is the first blog I have not referred to him as the most perfect human being in existence. You cut me deep, cut me like surgery.

Favorite Performance of the Episode- Up Up Up  (made up that title) performed by Artie and Quinn. Two of my fave voices and I got teary-eyed a few times.

Least Favorite Performance of the Episode- Fighter performed by Blaine. I’m sorry but no. Did I need two performances dedicated to the brother of Blaine I have never had nor wanted nor asked for???

Other random thoughts:
Is Quinn going to date Artie now? Making the rounds.
Quinn is too overly nice now. And her hair is too short.
Teen Jesus joined the Glee Club and I don’t hate it.
A lot of attacks on texting this episode. Sue threw Mercedes’ phone and I actually don’t hate that either.
This bus driver is reckless.
I’m going to need 100% more Kurt Hummel and Rachel Berry next episode.
Lazy Idiots on the white board for over 5 minutes.
Wish Rory would have been thrown off that rollercoaster. Hahaha just kidding I’m just tired.
Respect for choreographed Brother routines- me and my siblings have a few up our sleeve just waiting for the right moment to bust them out

Next week's episode:
Disco is NOT dead. I will be quoting Mystery Men heavily so everyone should watch that movie before Wednesday

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About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.