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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Highest Highs and the Lowest Lows #TakeYaHome #LilBowWowUJustDontKnow

“DONT YOU ALL LOVE IT??? I'm here to stay!!” –Gary Busey, speaking on behalf of me; in reference to this alleged “blog” that I am now committing to through at least the end of today.

WEEK 2 was full of twos: Two dances, two nights of live episodes, two female judges, two hosts, two reasons (ladies and the drinks),  two Houghs, two Ukranians, two chainz, and two eliminations!!!

THE BRAND NEW THEME THIS WEEK WAS HOMETOWN GLORY or as I like to call it Hometown BORING. Adele was not mentioned at all and her new album was still nowhere to be found…

Monday Night Dances revolved around the hometown of the stars. In the words of his holiness King Curtis, “I don't LIKE this crap!”

Tuesday Night Dances were all about PRO’s and their hometowns aka the real celebrities on this show.

The week opened up with a group number to “I Lived", which was a very obvious homage to Glee, because they know that I am a follower of both shows and needed this opportunity to tell those of you who haven’t finished the series that it is your duty to do so! Glee tribute aside, the clear cut choice for an opening number was “Home” by Phillip Phillips but I guess they don’t want to be too blatant about the fact that they stole this week's theme from American Idol. & the Bachelor ie Hometown Dates.

Even better idea: A full season of Dancing with the Stars with only former American Idol contestants as stars. (Clay Aiken and Karina, Carrie Underwood and Derek, Jennifer Hudson and Val, Nikki McKibbin and Mark Ballas. Jennifer Lopez takes Julianne’s place as judge)

Two dances in the second week. This will not end well… for me because I can only type but so much so my recapping of night 2 is lacking factual accuracies and scores. 


# 1 Nick Carter (yes, THE Nick Carter) and Sharna

Star’s Story: Jive of the Tampa Bugle Boy of Company B = 21 out of 30

Thots: In the video package Nick threw shade at his parents by saying he had a rough childhood and then dedicated his dance to his old teacher. Good dance but needs to tighten up if he is going to win. He slipped up apparently but I didn’t even notice at first because his boy band slide was so thoroughbred. But the judges and Erin wouldn’t let it go! A bunch of haters! I need Len.

***Was this theme was created for Nick because someone at DWTS saw the BSB documentary and knew he had a hometown story ready? (Go watch Going Clear first then BSB Doc on Netflix) 

Pro Day 2: Sharna is from Australia. They slayed. Still didn’t get the scores they deserved.

***BREAKING NEWS: Erin Andrews’ streak to remind everyone that she knows about sports is now two weeks strong!***

#2 Paula Dean and Louie 

Star’s Story: This Says It All = 19 out of 30

Thots: Oh Louie and Paula. Louie was dressed like Goldmember, maybe to distract from the fact that all Paula did was take a few steps to the right, then cross-step and spin slowly. Many props to her silver hair though. The judges praised her, which was so confusing considering how much they dissed Nick 2 minutes before. I'm done with Paula unless she changes her last name to Abdul and stumbles around the ballroom with a glass of vodka.

Another 1 for you on this fine Wednesday:

Pro Day: “There are a lot of similarities between Savannah and Amsterdam” –Louie “Yeah, racists.”-@so_grool

#3 Hayes and Emma

Star’s Story: North Carolina actually produced something pleasing to the senses = 20 out of 30

Thots: So many…
1) It is becoming very clear that DWTS has no idea what a Vine is.
2) Hayes has a hot mom. And he hit us with the "don't cry, Mom" ughhhh it’s just emotions takin me over. The next Biebs let’s get him in vocal lessons pronto.
3) Emma interpreted “country” as wearing a European Racing suit.
4) Carrie Ann called Hayes a "young Tom Cruise in Risky Business" and David Miscavige’s Tom Cruise radar just picked up a frequency and is now courting Hayes as his new Thetan.
5) Erin Andrews was ready and waiting with a sexist question about his Mom’s cooking abilities. When my future son becomes a Vine star and Erin Andrews asks him what did your mom cook for you last night he is going to laugh heartily and say “we went out to eat, woman!"

Pro Day: For some reason I always thought Emma was Australian. #Confessionsofatwentysomethingdramaqueen

#4 Chaka and Keo

Star’s Story: Chaka Khan perfectly shades the interviewer for asking how the song “Chicago” relates to her hometown of Chicago =15 out of 30 

Thots: She is so much cuter than Paula Dean, although just as immobile. Keo was not gonna let her ruin the moment for him so he flung her to and fro for the length of the song.

Spoiler alert: No Pro Day for Keo … would’ve loved to learn more about him. Poor poor Keo, we barely knew ye.

#5 Andy Grammer and Allison 

Star’s Story: Welcome to New York and Glee Reference #2 = 21 out of 30

Thots: This couple is perfectly matched due to their lack of personalities. Andy danced to his own beat literally but somehow got the same score as NICK CARTER??? No respect for the Carter family.

Pro Day: Just a missed opportunity all around…Andy’s agent needs to learn about cross promotion

#6 Kim Zolciak and Tony

Star’s Story: Reppin Atlanta in a song that has nothing to do with any type of hometown = 19 out of 30 

Thots: Kim was high as a kite last week but this week she is doing so well!!! Go Kim!!! 
Alas, her bad attitude will be her demise.

Pro Day: Tony has been through a lot and has the right to sass the judges. #TeamChmerkovskiy

# 7 Alex and Lindsay

Star’s Story: Alex is from Sacramento and still doesn’t know why he is here now, and not in Sacramento with all of his friends = 23 out of 30 

Thots: Too obvious Glee Connection # 3 with Don't Stop Believin oh and one more but the connection with Sacramento is obvious to no one. It’s sad that Lindsay also has little to no personality but the girl’s got smarts! Filled that dance with 90% lifts and Alex did 4 counts of actual dance moves. Alex does not give one care. Not one! Not one at all. He’s like, "can I go now?" 

Pro Day: Lindsay (unlike Keo) has learned how to get ahead in this game: pandering for votes. AMERICAN. Big ole flag in the background + terrorist thwarter = votes. 

# 8 Alexa and Mark

Star Story: Someone else admitted that they are from Florida = 24 out of 30 

Thots: How many times will we start a Mark Ballas segment with "Mark had this crazy idea"?  So many issues. First, why is she not in heels for a Salsa. Why is Mark wearing a bandana and leather vest.  I just can't support this. Points off for no heels.

Pro Day: Mark’s parents were Champions del Mundo and he grew up in England And now you know. I thought they did very well on Night 2. :::CRINGE:::

#9 Victor and Karina

Star Story: Victor moved around to one of Senora Southall’s favorite tunes, La Bamba in honor of his hometown in Mexico = 17 out of 30 

Thots: There is no way he is better than Kim Zolciak but KARINA COMMITS LIKE NO ONE IN THE WORLD (except Peta) & has completely committed to becoming the lifter in this partnership. Picking him up like a baby. Several awkward sexual moments prompted comments like “OMG he ate the booty like groceries.” from the peanut gallery.

Pro Day: FEMALES ARE STRONG AS HELL. It’s a miracle that Karina didn’t catapult Victor’s tiny body across the ballroom during that scarf/weight displacement exercise.

#10 Tamar and Val 

Star Story: Tamar is from Maryland???? = 24 out of 30 

Thots: Tamar is so hot and awesome I love her. I love her. I want her to win.  Barely even looking at Val who is perfection. I also love Val. Naming my first born after him. (And other famous Vals you may have heard of)  I'm so happy that I've found him in this lifetime. I feel like Julianne has been condescending to Tamar and it still makes no sense to me that she sits in the middle #Justice4Bruno (and another Glee reference for the real fans!)

Pro Day: Val talked about New York and they did the best dance of the season so far. They got my vote! Val going for the repeat win this season!

#11 Gary and Anna

Star Story: A Nightmare Dressed as Nightmare from Oklahoma. =18 out of 30

Thots: The flashback photos of Gary proved he has looked like a killer since adolescence. The song “Wouldn’t it be Nice” was actually like a horror movie where really happy music plays while someone is getting murdered. There is no way we should have to watch this. There are people out here actually dancing. Carrie Ann spoke for us all: “You’re scaring me".

Pro Day: Anna is Russian, but let’s talk more about Gary. In between the judges’ comments he yelled out “What?” and “What did she say?”

#12 Carlos and Witney

Star’s Story: Carlos is from Missouri and his Dad wants him to crush his wife= 24 out of 30 

Thots: I Love Witney, she is new it girl. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!  FLAWLESS! Carrie Ann tried to compliment them but got caught up in the classic: eloquent or elegant debate. Carlos really wants to learn and I love him! Leave your lover, leave her for me.

Pro Day: I love Witney’s story! She is from Utah and she has been dancing with Lindsay (pro) and Jenna (Troupe) since they were 9. Although she is the Beyonce of the group ((if you can't figure it out Lindsay is Kelly and Jenna is Michelle) she loves them and honored them in her hometown dance!! Awwww. And I think the dance was good. There were some comments about squatting but no estoy recuerdo.

#12 Derek and Bindi

Star’s Story: Bindi is an adorable Aussie rocker chick = 25 out of 30

Thots: So glad Derek is dancing again! Not sure if Bindi is good enough to take this where it needs to go but if anyone can get her to the promised land it’s Derek.

Pro Day: Derek lived in England too? They did a beautiful dance, he is perfect. The brother/sister judging thing is still a conflict of interest Julianne needs to recuse herself.


Eliminated Couple 1: Chaka and Keo. KEO NEVER HAD A CHANCE! He is so over this!! He is about to tear up the backstage area once the cameras stop rolling.

Eliminated Couple 2: Karina and Victor. Karina looks off in the distance and thinks back to all of the subtle things she could have done to make Corbin more appealing to the voters oh so many seasons ago.

Even more thots:
-Val and Derek are in another stratosphere 
-I miss Len! So much. I need his serious comments. 
- Found out today that Erin Andrews is 37. So much hope for my second coming.
- Did anyone else notice the “coming up clips” never actually being shown? 1) When Tony said he “doesn’t like to talk about this…” and 2) When Karina kicked over a camera guy? Please tell me I didn’t miss her kicking him over.
- Derek never did care about the lift police. F the police
- One of the best moments of the whole week: Gary shouts “DEREK HEY!!!” right in the middle of getting critiques from the judges because he sees Derek standing across the room.

Quotes of the week
"I love how no one picks Mark on principle" – Magatha Klee on our DWTS Draft. Congrats Kayla on the victory.
“I like to walk on the edge, it’s one of my hobbies”- Gary Bussey”
“She looks like a sad excuse for Zenon Girl of the 21st century”- Kate on Julianne’s outfit from the future on Night 2

Next Week Alfonso is back!! I think he will be so amazing I hope he gives Witney all 10s!

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About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.