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Friday, March 15, 2013

I'm in the Mood to Feud Ya Dood


So the whole premise of this episode comes from the fact that Finn kissed Emma and WIll is pissed TFO. Mr. Shue is treating Finn like dog shit, having him make coffee runs, and dry-clean vests, all while fake complimenting Ryder to piss him off. So Artie, Tina and Blaine decide to have an intervention ya family's here and assign a musical theme to the week! (Are those 3 captains of Glee Club? I don't remember there being a vote cuz Tina aint the one.)

So the theme is Epic Musical Feuds, meaning that in order to squash glee club beef the two dueling members are to perform mash-up songs of feuding artists! I honestly didn't even understand this theme until they did the sit down with Ryder and Unique but let's just pretend that I got it from the beginning.

So the gauntlet is thrown blam bow and Mr. Shue is gonna KICK... FINN's...ASS. I would pay one million dollars to see Finn and Mr. Shue do a Biggie vs. Tupac mashup. One gazillion dollars. But before they broke-dance foughted and butchered two American classics from my childhood, Mr. Shue knocked Finn down a few pegs, telling him that he only put Finn in charge of the Glee Club because he pitied him and thas not love thas desperation. But Finn BETRAYED him and broke THE CODE OF BROTHERS and now it is time to pay.

Btw where is Emma in all this? Has Shue confronted her? She mad? You mad? We mad?

We mad because this was god awful. Let me me paint a picture for those of you (Allison Perri) who do not watch anymore. The mash-up was Bye Bye Bye and I Want it That Way which are two of the greatest songs in the world but two songs that do not go together at all. I guess the word MASHED is appropriate for what that was. Old rotten mashed potatoes. A monster mash. At one point Finn and Shue were actually fighting, if that's what we were supposed to take from the Mouse King .vs Nutcracker choreographed tackling.  Finn sounded fine doing BSB, but Mr. Shue took all the nasally wonder out of Justin's masterpiece and just runed a perfectly flawless song. The puppet strings look absolutely ridiculous and out of sync. (IRONY) Anyway, they sucked at the end of the performance, Mr. Shue couldn't bring himself to hug it out. End scene. REJECTED.

But now Finn may get a teaching degree- something is happening but I am so pissed about them ruining what could have been an epic performance I don't even care.

AND THE LOSER IS: Everyone. We all lose.
On to the next one.

Conspiracy Theory time:

So yall heard that Nicki Minaj was late late late to a very important date right??? THAT SHIT WAS CRAZY. She missed an entire performance and had her makeup spread all over the judges table. And this whole season on American Idol she has been dissing on the show while she is simultaneously getting paid and getting exposure. So my theory is that the American Idol producers or FOX or whoever told Glee to make an episode where they make fun of Nicki and her ridiculous antics.

Enter Sue vs. Blaine in this week's 2nd most random storyline (2nd to the Unique and Ryder thing- we shall get to that one later).

So if you are confused about why these two would be beefing (Idk why you would be, it's so obvious) it's because on December 5 Blaine joined the Cheerios and then on December 6 he quit. So now Sue needs him for Cheerleading Regionals. So she put cement in his hair gel and ruined his credit and put a sign up in the air about him being on the bottom??? Is that sexual reference?

Anyway, incase you haven't heard- Mariah and Nicki Minaj are apparently in a feud that is as epic as Elton John/Madonna + BSB/NSYNC. UMMMM no. Their feud is not that epic, it is mostly just catty and immature, which means two things:
1. Glee is trying to boost American Idol
2. They really wanted to make fun of Nicki Minauseous

So after Sue did some corny and not funny impersonations of Nicki and reenacted her "crazy Nicki threats" (which I'm sure were inspired from behind-the-scenes Idol footage,) Sue and Blaine battled it out. Blaine started off with "I Still Believe" which is a great song, don't get me wrong- but WTF. That song should be saved for when you are singing it about Kurt in a pensieve thoughtful moment. If you are going to do a BATTLE with a Mariah song you need to do Heartbreaker or Fantasy or Obsessed.

And then Sue comes in. Sue is a hot mess. Did she just change the lyric to "he a tall freaking trip trip"??? Did I hear that correctly? As Maggie Klee so eloquently put it "WTF JUST OCCURRED."

Again, I'm guessing that this is some FOX executives' commentary on how Mariah's talent is being overshadowed by Nicki's gimmicks and Sue won the challenge, meaning that Blaine has to remain a Cheerio. Which is fine with me cuz Blaine is looking oh so cute in that uni!  But wait, he and Sam are plotting and Blaine will work from the inside and bring Sue down. WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THIS EPISODE. Another beef not squashed.  

AND THE WINNER IS: Blaine. He is always the winner. Always.

Ryder vs. Unique

Why did I type the words "french fries" in my notes. I have no idea/recollection, probably just hungry.

Ok everyone it's about to get even more FWEAKY. Let's start with the normal part:

Ryder kissed Marley a few weeks ago, and Jake is still pissed at both of them. But Marley I guess has chosen to be with Jake. (come on Glee- you could have had me hooked for a few more weeks with the triangle). Jake and Marley actually have a really cute and mature conversation and decided that they pretty much basically kinda sorta trust each other it would be immature to ice Ryder out.

However, Ryder still has decided to ice his own self out of sanity and he done pushed himself to da edge. He is having a cyber-relationship with some blonde chick aka Tuiasosopo aka probably gon be Unique. The entire time I am watching these instant message conversation I'm thinking "what the fuck is this. what the fuck is this." Also I am thinking "Do people still use instant message? Is this the new AIM? Does a creaky door opening door sound happen when someone signs on and then slams shut when some signs off? Do they still have away messages? How did these two meet? Did he ask A/S/L at first?" So many questions. CLEARLY this is Glee's take on the Manti Teo situation and I am just ROTFL and LOL and LMAO etc. So anyway..

Ryder and Unique feud because she got mad at him for kissing Marley and he made an insensitive comment about her drag lifestyle. So they mash it up taking from the Elton/Madonna feud that most people prob don't know or care about. And Unique again dressed herself like a 40 year old woman going to an early Sunday Service and trounced around with her feet turned out. It sounded fine, but it was wack. And now Glee is trying to make Ryder a douchebag a la that Glee Project character he played over the summer when he was yelling at Aylin and we were supposed to believe that she would choose to be with Michael over Blake. (Insert @so_grool doing a Michael impression.)

In the end, we are left with the weird Saved By the Bell: The New Class gathering in a classroom where Ryder makes a football analogy and apologizes to Marley, Jake and Unique and then Unique tells everyone that she had to run away from some popular girl bullies. Unique, you and Coach Beiste seriously need to understand that you are big enough to beat up a pack of wolves so stop it with that. And Unique cannot act worth SHIIIIIIT.

And then they all started talking about next year and it was a sad affair.


Next in the ring of fire: Santana vs. Brody

Ok first of all- how annoying is it that Rachel isn't pregnant? This is just like the Quinn car accident thing. Such a huge build up and then oh never mind. Come on Glee.

But I guess it wasn't for nothing- it seems to have brought Santana and Rachel closer ??? maybe??? and Santana thinks it should serve as a wake-up call to Rachel, since she has become a soggy mess of a woman and it's time for her to take a hard look at the choices she is making aka get rid of Donkey Face.

Speaking of Donkey Face- it turns out I was right all along- he is a gigolo, always on the go everytime I turn around I got another show. Hello my name is Gunnnnner dood and I am going to have sex with old women to pay for my tuition. So apparently there is a hotel in New York where all the male hookers go and wait around to get dollars rained up on them!  Wait, what is Tracy Quartermaine doing up in hurr? Up in hurr.Up in hurr.

So Santana still doesn't know the truth, but wants to intimidate Brody enough to get him to move out, so she visits the god-forsaken dance studio where Brody is still being a teaching assistant for Cassie. Cassie lives! And of course Santana just happened to be in a black dress ready to perform but "don't apply logic to Lopez" it's just Glee so let it happen. Santana performs an unnecessary version of American Idol judge Paula Abdul's "Cold-Hearted Snake" (and circle fits the square) and then tells Brody to pack your bags girls we're going to Milan! ! Not really, just pack your bags!

Word of Santana's tongue-lashing via musical performance spread fast and Kurt and Rachel were none too pleased. They had a family loft conversation and asked Santana to move out because she was pissing Brody off and he was there first. BITCHES! Luckily, Santana's bag was already packed and ready to go and #weouchea to stay on Lena Dunham's couch, but not before promising to expose Brody for the plastic tiara he was!! (It's... just... plastic. GASP!!!)

And she did. Once again using his teleportation device, Finn appears in New York. I have never gasped that much in my life. OMG. Brody and Finn get into it about loving Rachel blah blah and then start straight up brawling!!! STAY AWAY FROM MY FUTURE WIFE!! That's really a mouthful to yell while you are mid-fight Finn, you could have just said "Stay away from her, or stay away from Rachel." FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! And whoop there it is.

AND THE WINNER IS: Santana. Clearly.


"They started from the bottom, and now they're here. Watch the top 9 perform next Wednesday on American Idol." hahahahahah i was dying. dying dying dying I can only imagine what I have been missing out by not watching live episodes before this.

Overall Grade for the Episode: B
It was just insane. Didn't dislike it but would be fine never watching it again. Santana and Trouty Mouth once again carried the episode.

Favorite Performance of the Episode: How to be a heartbreaker performed by Brody and Rachel. This dance was a euphemism for Brody having sex with old women which is utterly disturbing but I love the song and Brody is still amazing I don't care who he is screwing or feuding!

Least Favorite Performance of the Episode: Bye Bye Bye performed by Finn and Mr. Shue. Hard to watch. It just didn't go together and hurt my ears.

Favorite Moment of the Episode: Tina getting pwned by Sue. You're dismissed, go find a new bf maybe Lance Bass is available or Rupaul.

Least Favorite Moment of the Episode: Definitely Ryder chatting Tuisasosopo and Sue doing the Nicki Minaj faces.

Other thoughts:
-Where is Brittany? Probably out strolling on college campuses.
-Trouty Mouth always coming in strong during group numbers.
-WHAT THE FUCK IS MARLEY WEARING psychodelic turtleneck dress.
-Fake complimenting Ryder part was humorous
-Suite life of Zack and Cody reboot
-In the real world there are commitments and you are only as good as your word!
-Santana still cant dance.
-Bitch took my pillow.
-Finn is forever kicking something in rage

Next Week's Episode:
GUILTY PLEASURES! Glad that haven't totally abandoned the idea of Blaine and Sam! BLAM! And some other stuff.

American Idol thoughts and rankings.

As you know, this week was absolutely insane.  The theme was SOOOOOO BAD omg I can't believe we had to sit through a perform of "I Believe, Flying Without Wings, A Moment Like This, Breakaway etc". Everybody sucked. I mean of course Angie, Candice, Cree and Amber did great but the theme was so bad and everyone was so thrown of Nicki Minaj!!!!! I have never witnessed anything so outrageously awkward and hilarious.

Mariah, you need to stop being so nice. Audience, stop booing everyone. Keith, you are polite. And Nicki- YOU'RE HORRIBLE! Stop being anti-American Idol! Just give your hilarious critiques and then sit the hell down! No one wants to hear you arguing anymore!! You are getting paid so much money, and you are 30 years old! Just STFU! 

Ryan Seacrest is an angel sent from heaven above. 

Here is my ranking: 

1. Amber- what the world needs now.
2. Angie-she did that Kelly Clarkson song well but no one will ever EVER EVER top Kelly.
3. Candice
4. Kree
5. Burnell- never ever ever sing a Ruben Studdard song again.

Everyone else can kick rocks ESPECIALLY Paul Jolley! So glad Curtis got eliminated! Nicki shut the fuck up and let us make some god damn progress! 

P.S. Chris Brown and Rihanna are like diamonds in the sky.

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About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.