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Friday, March 8, 2013

If It's Not Like the Movies That's How It Should Be

It's a shame that Glee got pushed back 2 weeks, I'm sure they created the whole entire theme of this episode to coincide with Oscars. (DJAAAANNNGOOOOOOO)

But alas, American Idol stomped its big fabulous foot all over poor lil Glee and we had to come back to what seemed like another random Mr. Shue idea from hell.

We started off with a Will and Emma musical number that nobody asked for. Will Shuester trying to be on Broadway again and no one under the age of 75 has any idea what movie that was supposed to be from. But you know what it was cute, and Emma is a little ladybug and just adorable in everything she does but then BAM Will Shuester wakes up from his slumber and IT WAS ALL A DREAM. I USED TO READ J 14 magazines.

Flash forward a couple of hours and it turns out that Mr. Shue and Emma have not reconciled after the Runaway Bride incident, instead he is just escaping from reality by watching old movies to calm his nerves and waiting for her to come back. And here comes our well-thought out theme for the week: MOVIES! EVERYONE LOVES MOVIES!! Shue assigns Glee Club the task of competing with each other (Boys vs. Girls + Unique of course) and the word "Regionals" is thrown in there I guess to try to legitimize wasting a week singing in elaborate costumes. The word  "THEATRICALITY" is also brought up and I immediately wish everyone would just wear a dress made out of beanie babies.  (So I guess Regionals should be happening soon? They might not even have time to go to Nationals this year which is totes fine with me.)

So anyway, it's Guys vs. Dolls yadayadayada but Blaine and Brittany want to do a duet because it seems like their voices really go well together (NO THEY DON'T) and the whole team erupts into Glee's 500th musical number!!!! NOW WAIIIIIIT A MINUTE.  Congrats to Glee on doing so many unnecessary numbers (Womanizer, The Rain in Spain, Gimme More, GANGHAM FUCKING STYLE, Make No Mistake, Somethin Stupid, Hung Up, Nowadays etc). And again I ask why is Brittany singing???? why????? why??? But I loved the dancing in the library, can never go wrong with army-crawling through the stacks.

The boys went first, and performed an ode to Tom Cruise pre-scientology with Danger Zone and Old Time Rock and Roll. Initial thoughts:
-Blaine looks weird in those glasses, but not as weird as Teen Jesus
-My main man Matty Boi used to put on those same aviators and CRUSH a lip sync version of Danger Zone
-You know Ryan Murphy just wanted the 3 hotties to wear no pants nance

The girls could have easily come out and crushed it AND IF YOU ARE GOING TO DO 2 MOULIN ROUGE SONGS IN ONE EPISODE CLEARLY YOU NEED TO DO LADY MARMALADE LIKE WTF IS THIS A JOKE? So yeah the winner is....

...EVERYONE!! hahaha I love whoever shouted out "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DO THIS?!" to Mr. Shue. But it's okay, they are all losers and everyone cut FOOTLOOSE and now I know the actual words to "Footloose", thanks Trout Mout.

Takeaways from the Movies competition:
1. These kids could actually win a Glee Club competition...I'm feeling it
2. Blaine and Marley need to get all of the solos (sorry Maggie/Artie)
3.  How are they gonna stand in a line doing feet things with poor Artie sitting there doing hand motions? Messed up.

Pero, donde esta Emma? Finn is feeling guilty that he still hasn't told his bro Mr. Shue about the most awkward kiss ever so he tries to make it right by finding Emma. Artie suggests a Lady Manhunt but as Finn puts it so eloquently "Ain't nobody got time for that!!" hahaha sometimes Finn is okay with me. So Artie and Finn became gingers for the day holy hilarious and found the coordinates to Emma's hideaway.

In one of the more predictable musical numbers, Mr. Shue sang his Broadway version of "In Your Eyes" holding a stereo (one of the greatest songs EVVVVVEEERRR) and Emma came out of hiding. Loved it besides this insanely awkward exchange that will go down in history.

Emma: Will are you crazy?
Will: Crazy for you ha HA!

Hahahah anyway when all of the music died down, Emma came out and told Will that she ran because she feel like she doesn't know him anymore. He is exactly the same weirdo he has always been Emma, trust me. But the answer to all problems is to watch a movie!!! So that's settled. Except one thing, fuck you Emma. You can't just leave someone at the altar. Will, go get back with Terri, she loved you enough to steal someone's baby.

But wait- it ain't over yall. FINN DROPPED A BOMB and told Shue about the kiss. DAMN Mr. Shue just gave him the death stare like whoa. Holy moly let's see what happens when people stop being polite, and START GETTING REAL.

Ok that's enough Glee Club drama for now, although we have more to come.

Let's check in on REAL WORLD: Back to New York

The NY thing is officially working for me- loving everything about it. Santana is the most awesome. She was killing it all episode. I'm just loving this roomie combination.

Satan, Rach, Kurt and Adam's Apple were snowed in after Nyada cancelled classes (THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN) and decided to coincidentally focus on the glee club lesson of the week and watch a MOVIE. Such a small world. Of course it's got to be MOULIN ROUGE BITCHES! Which annoys Santana and brings up a flashback of emotions for Kurt Hummel.

**SIDENOTE... what is happening with his dad?? Doesn't he have cancer??? Wtf Glee you can't just drop that bomb and forget about it!!**

Anyways, they watch Moulin Rouge until Santana can't take it anymore, she has to expose Brody after going through all of the pockets and drawers in the apartment. She finds a pager and wad of cash which clearly points to him being a drug dealer. I'm still thinking prostitute. Rachel is already pissed off and in a terrible mood but it's not just because her boyfriend is made of plastic...

YES, RACHEL IS WITH CHILD!!! After a couple days of avoiding pregnancy films and laying around on the couch with Kurt, Rachel finally broke down when Santana found her pregnancy test. Darnit I love Rachel and Santana in this moment. At least now she has a bitchy friend to keep it 1 hunnid with her- ain't no way Santana is letting her have this child. Aint no way. But we still don't know Hoodatdude aka the Fahjer. Please let it be Finn.

One last thing about NY. I am just imagining what the directors told Kurt in that dance studio. "Just spin around aimlessly and tell him you are working on your pirouettes." hahahah I am laughing so hard imagining this.

Back to the Future: Marley Jake Ryder

Ok, this love triange is slowly becoming my favorite thing about Glee. Whattttt????  WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME???

Last episode we saw Marley getting kissed ever so tenderly by Ryder, after her boyfriend Jake was just existing looking so cute and awesome. This week, to make up for having no original Vday ideas, Jake created a romantic re-creation of the movie Ghost?? (whatever) that includes them molding clay together. Weird clay molding with hand pornography will always remind me of the Godfather 3 so I am slightly disgusted. But as he sings Unchained Melody to her (one of the greatest songs ever ever EVER EVER) all she can think of is RYDERRRR!!! I don't know if that is just because she feels guilty or because she really likes him but either way either way. She decides to tell Jake the truth and he is NOT happy I gotta tell you sthin. So now I'm sure Jake and Ryder will be enemies again BORING. But it was fun while it lasted.

Overall Grade for the Episode: A
Really really really enjoyed it. Hilarious, good, good, hilarious. I love Glee.

Favorite Performance of the Episode: Come What May performed by Blaine and Kurt. This barely beat out Unchained Melody but OMG YES it was just splendid HOLY MOTHER OF SWEET JESUS. Great movie, great song. And yeah get it shawty to Kurt coming in with that female voice like you know you can! Gave me chills and tears. Beautiful.

Least Favorite Performance of the Episode: Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend performed by the Girls + Unique. Why are yall acting like you mashed it up? That mix was already done. Your clear straps are showing bitches.

Favorite Moment of the Episode: Santana: "Brody is freaking psycho."

Least Favorite Moment of the Episode: Mr. Shue being himself time and time again.

Other thoughts:
-"You dont get to be Les Miz just because you are the poster"
-Watching Glee with Commercial breaks is so fweaky
-Emma has a sister?
-I love Sugar Motta. "We should do the Artist."
-Nicholas Cage impression HIGH PRAISE!
-"Boys are like lumps of coal. They're dirty and they're cheap and they get hot when they're rubbed. Some turn into diamonds so collect as many as you can!"
- I should make a drinking game whenever Artie says Preach take a shot  
-Kurt is looking strapping lately isn't he?

1. Blaine (He sang on almost every song and that is the way it is done ladies and gents!)
2. Santana
3. Sam
4. Rachel
5. Ryder
6. Jake
7. Marley
8. Kurt
9. Sugar
10. Kitty

Next Week's Episode
Are we supposed to believe that Mr. Shue knows how to physically hurt someone? bye bye bye (Bye bye!)

-----------In other news: AMERICAN IDOL SUB-BLOG------------

I am IN IT TO WIN IT this season and you can thank a random stumbling upon last year's Holy Trinity of J Names: Jessica Sanchez, Joshua Ledet and J LOOOOOOOOOO! Yooooloooo Jlooooo.

This season is cray. I love the judges.

Keith Urban is somehow hot and beautiful and lovely with that horrendous haircut and actually smart and insightful and everytime he opens his mouth I want to SOMO!

Nicki Minaj my lil ladybug is out of fucking control but I still love it! Clearly she is supposed to be the harsh, Simonesque judge and I'm fine with her ridiculous critiques of what people are wearing their "TONE" (In a thick NY accent) even though that bitch knows not one damn thing about singing. One thing I could do without is her PG-13 rated comments (this is family show bitch!) and her constant suggestion that certain contestants could make it outside of American Idol. Ummm clearly they can't and that is why they are on American Idol. Stop belittling the show- this is American effing Idol don't be so disrespectful!

Randy is my dawg for life. (Randy Jackson laugh)

Mariah you're on fiyah! I have been hating on Mariah Carey for the last 10 years but when she opens up her mouth and says something nerdy about music I just LOVE IT and through this I have been reintroduced to what a BOSS singer she is and I can't help but root for her to not stumble over her words as she tends to do.

Going into the top 10. Love all the girls except Janelle- but she will make it all the way to the top 3 Nikki McKibbin-style because country fans are bonkers. The boys are BLAAAAAAAAHHHHH with a capital VOMIT but atleast Charlie didn't get in who has completely been pushed to the brink of insanity by this competition. I LOATHE Curtis Finch Jr's fake personality but GOD JESUS dammit why is he so good at singing??? Favorite guy is BURNELL by far he rocks my world.

One more thing.. I think that my talents could be used in the following ways:

-Choosing songs for Glee and American Idol contestants to sing
- Choreographing Glee musical numbers

If any of the 2 of you who have read this far down my blog has any connections in those areas than hook a sista up! 

Seacrest, out.

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About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.