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Friday, May 10, 2013

No one watches Glee anymore... I DONT CARE I LOVE IT: Season 4 FINALLY

SEASON FINALE! Twists and turns and SHOCKERS!!! No, none of that happened, but some other stuff did and I also did the thing where I am obsessed with Glee so I recapped the Season 4 musical performances at the very end. "Hashtag Pow" -Mariah Carey.
We begin with Brittany, girl genius. MIT brought her in for an admission interview because of her high SAT scores. She got a zero on their test, but she doodled a bunch of numbers on the back of her scoresheet that led them to believe that she is the next Albert Einstein. (Eyes rolling all the way in the back of my head.)
Because of this successful? interview, Brittany has been accepted to MIT on a full scholarship and must start RIGHT AWAY. Meaning like right freaking now. So she bust back up in those halls of McKinley looking PREGNANT as a kangaroo, spouting off demands and insults. "Tina... ahhh you're just Tina." She demanded to write and sing all of the Regionals songs, broke up with Sam via or vaya text message and quit the Cheerios.  
So Sue and Will staged an intervention to find out what is up with her, which is completely ridiculous because Brittany is a Stage One Idiot and her thoughts have no rhyme or reason. But Brittany makes them come on Fondue for Two and the only thing accomplished is that Sue reveals that the celebrity fahjer of her baby is Michael Bolton. Not a bad choice, but just SMH at Glee for randomly throwing this in there the way they did. The identity of Sue's baby was like the cliffhanger of LAST year's season finale so this is not giving me very much hope in the open-ended shit they left us with this year, but more on that later. Also, why couldn't the dad be someone hilarious like Sandy Ryerson or Howard Bambu? Or Carl the Dentist? And Will and Sue didn't even ask Brittany any questions. So after this, Sam decided to take matters into his own hands and call his arch nemesis/best friend Santana Lacienagabolivardez Lopez for help. This interaction between the 2 was cute, but why was Santana undressing the whole phone convo? Anyway, she took the Lima Express home to tend to her Britt Britt, leaving Rachel all alone in NY to prepare for her Funny Girl audition. (Yeah Kurt left too because.. I guess school is out for the summer.)
Rachel's audition was nothing more than a final attempt for Glee to get one more Rachel Berry song in before the season ended. She sang "To Love You More" by Celine Dion, a song which proves that you may think you don't know every Celine Dion song, but you actually do. I got immediate chills and she was flawless. Can we get a Glee/American Idol competition so Rachel can show us how it is really done? (Also, Kreedom?? Really America??) But then the audition was over and that was that. So apparently all she has to do for the audition is to sing one song. Isn't this an acting role, too? Whatever, good job Roo Roo.
Back at McKinley, Mr. Shue was rambling off some nonsense words about Indiana and Waffle Dudes and Ziggler in preparation for Regionals. (He also made them give a round of applause for the ghost of Rachel Berry... all part of her master plan to take over the world muhahahahhah.)
So as they are sitting around preparing for another sub-par showing, all hell breaks lose! Oh wait also Sugar and Joe are back, and they made a little scene about it- which I can't decide if I liked or not. Because clearly they have been missing from school and Glee for like 2 months so I'm glad that didn't just act like it was normal but if they are going to make a fuss about them being back the least they could have done was make up some elaborate Glee-appropriate excuse like Joe was off turning people into Christians (Things fall apart... messed up) and Sugar was filming My Super Sweet 16 or something. But anyway, yet again Ryan Murphy has read my blog and took my advice on how to approach the Ryder-Catfish situation.  See blog statement from two weeks ago:
Ummm, hey Ryder- why don't you just stand up in front of the club and say HEY GUYS WHO THE FUCK IS CATFISHING ME RIGHT NOW. OUT WITH IT.
So Ryder did that, and not only did that but went freaking ballistic and kicked a bunch of music stands. Mr. Shue get control of your freaking students! Marley came forward and said it was her, but it was so obvious from the moment she admitted it that she was covering for Unique. I even wrote in my notes "Marley must be covering for Unique." Glee you can't fool me! As for this outcome to the catfish... I am not happy, I am not pleased, I am the opposite of satisfied and I am definitely over this whole thing. Ryder was angry of course; and he wants to quit the Glee Club. And Unique... she seems to be in love with Ryder. The very best case scenario is that this can turn out to be another Kurt/Finn situation where Ryder learns to become more accepting and Unique gets over her crush. Blah.
All the while, Sir Blaine Warblington is plotting a proposal for his one true love, Kurt. He asks Sam to be his best man and they look for an engagement ring, even though Blaine totally wants to do Sam! And who doesn't. Seriously let me take a moment to just plead with Chord Overstreet to never leave Glee. Figure out how to stay relevant in the plot and just suck it up until the series ends which will undoubtedly be after Season 6 because they are def running fresh out of new ideas. So anyway, Blaine meets a lesbian role model, they go on a double date at Breadsticks with Lesbian 1 &2 and Kurt/Blaine. It is all very sweet, the Lesbians propose, (I feel bad not remembering their names) and Blaine seems to be ready to pop the question, although I have no idea if Kurt would say yes. I feel like this is Ryan Murphy's way of roping people in. BUT I GUESS WE WILL FREAKING HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL NEXT SEPTEMBER. Great.

It's time for Regionals!!

Emma is back!! With new bangs! And a white dress!
This year's competition is: Waffletudes and the Papa Smurfs or something...can't remember their names. Waffletudes sang Rainbow Connection, which immediately made me think of Rory, and made me hope that they drop Unique like they dropped him and that Glee Project Season 3 will be in full effect this summer. My girl Jessica Sanchez aka Frida Romero (really??!) led the Papa Smurfs in two pretty good songs, but homegirl has not yet mastered the art of lipsyncing. Take notes. And WHATTTT was up with the girl doing the slow motion twerking solo??? These writers have been doing some Crystal Meth fo sho (watching Breaking Bad right now), but these performances were nice and short so I appreciate that.

Now time for the New Directions to perform, and while getting in their show circle (also known as a huddle for all of you sports fans who watch Glee) Brittany S. Pierce has something to say. The reason she has been acting so weird is that she doesn't feel stupid anymore, and is sad that she has to leave everyone IMMEDIATELY. Touching. But you are stupid. As much as Brittany gets on my last freakin nerve, I was fully crying as she went around and basically said goodbye to everyone. This must be Heather Morris' last episode foreal. Her goodbye to Sam was by far the most emotional... I just love Sam. I wish this show circle was all about Sam and not all about Brittany. Damn though. Good stuff.

Showtime! They kicked it off with "Hall of Fame" which highlighted all of the boys. They all looked so cute minus Joe! Then Kitty and Tina sang an ear-splitting auto-tuned version of "I Love It" which could not have been more annoying. Actually, it could have been more annoying if they were singing in Korean and crawling around on the stage like a bunch of fools. Then Marley Rose and Blaine sang an original song called "All or Nothing" which I thought was cute.
So New Directions won. Which was pretty blasphemous but not that unrealistic since the judges were idiots and anyone who won a National Championship the year before will always get the upper hand. It was annoying that they used the same music and slow motion cheering as when they won Nationals last year... and just annoying that they won in general. Also Ryder hugged Unique in slow motion and then looked utterly confused.
The episode wrapped up in the choir room, with Will and Emma choosing to get married in front of a bunch of rejects who Will and Emma barely know. I bet Finn was supposed to be there. :-( And they didn't have the courtesy to invite Beiste or Sue? This was so stupid but I still cried because that's who I am and I love Glee and I guess that's the moral of this whole story.

This season has been all over the fucking place, but I still loved it. Glee may never be able to re-capture the magic and magnificence of season 1 and 2, but we love the characters and the music and the absurdity of each and every idea they come up with so I will keep coming back for more.
Just to review a few important happenings in Season 4:
1. Rachel, Kurt and Santana moved to NY to pursue their dreams of stardom
2. Rachel/Finn, Kurt/Blaine, Santana/Brittany and Will/Emma all broke up, but Will and Emma got back together and are now married.
3. The other original members (Mercedes, Artie, Tina) have no relevance in this show anymore, except Tina has become the joke of the Glee Club.
4. Blaine and Sam are now best friends and the best thing that has ever happened to this show.
5. They did "Don't Stop Believing" a third time. (Believe it or not.... Bruce is not at home)
6. Sue has a baby, and got fired because she took the fall for Becky, who brought a gun to school and accidentally fired a shot.
7. Finn got discharged from the Army, and is now becoming a teacher.
8. The Glee Club got 4 fabulous new members Marley, Jake, Ryder and Kitty and one annoying, over-dramatic, one that talks in third person. (I'm referring to Unique, everyone!) Also, Marley's mom is an obese lunch lady and she has an eating disorder... maybe.
9. Rachel dated a male giggolo for a while there.
10. Quinn Fabray Forever. #longlivethehighpony

Favorite 10 Musical Performances of Season 4:

There were plenty of solid numbers- I'm sure Mags will be upset that Footloose and Centerfold/Hot In Herre were not chosen- but these were the ones that I became obsessed with and I am the blogger here so therefore I am always right.
Close contenders: Unchained Melody and Come What May

10. Give Your Heart a Break performed by Rachel and Brody in "The Breakup" I remember I was initially disappointed about the context of this song, but this is really what got Finn to confront Rachel about Brody and led to them breaking up again. Watching it now makes me think about Rachel's life and how far she has come this season. And it just sounds sooooooo good.
9. Born to Hand Jive performed by the New Directions in "The Role You Were Born to Play" So good. First time the new kids really freaking BRRRROUGHT IT and loved the re-creation of the Grease scene.
8. Some Nights performed by the New Directions in "Feud". Good ole fun auditorium number, came out when this song was just getting popular and I still only hear the Glee version when I hear this song being played out with all the white people.
7. The Scientist performed by Rachel, Finn, Emma, Will, Santana, Brittany, Blaine, Kurt in "Breakup". The first time I saw this I really didn't like it-I think because they had already done "Fix You" last season and all Coldplay songs sound exactly alike. But now this is pretty much perfect, all of the couples singing about how hard it is to be together, the only way this could be better is if Rachel didn't look like straight out of a horror porn movie.
6. Let's Have A Kiki performed by Rachel, SJP and Kurt in "Thanksgiving". I mean just FABULOUS in every way! It's Turkey Lurkey time.
5. New York State of Mind performed by Rachel and Marley in "The New Rachel". Our first look at the New Rachel in McKinley and New York. Both sounded amazing, both feeling the shit out of themselves. Such a great way to kick off the season even though Marley never really had another great moment like this again.
4. Just Can't Get Enough performed by Kurt and Blaine in "I Do". Ain't nothing wrong with a wedding reception. So fetch.
3. You're the One that I Want performed by Ryder, Marley, Rachel, Finn and every old person in "Glease" Not my favorite song to listen to by far, but so amazing to watch. My thoughts that week: "BUT THEN THE FLASHBACK TO RACHEL AND FINN IN SEASON 1 AND RACHEL DRESSED LIKE SHE WAS WHEN SHE TRIED TO SEDUCE FINN... and singing the words "You're the one that I want." My heart lowered all the way to the floor but my brain was still up and singing along to the music."
2. Teenage Dream (Acoustic) performed by Blaine Warbler in "The Breakup". Despite this being one of the more awkward and insane facial expressional performances ever.. this was just unbelievably good to watch and to listen to over and over and over and over again.
1. We've Got Tonight performed by Rachel, Finn, Kurt, Blaine, Quinn, Santana, Marley, Artie, etc. in "I Do" In the episode blog I ranked this behind Just Can't Get Enough, but overtime I have come to love this song and performance soooo much. Love when they get everyone involved- Finn and Rachel sounded SO good. The song made sense for what was happening and moved the plot along and EVERYONE DID IT.

How these performances rank in the grand scheme of life: We've Got Tonight and Teenage Dream are AMAZING but don't even crack my top 30 all time. (Yes I have a list, #30 is Run Joey Run so you know that list is DA BOMB)

5 other great Season 4 songs that everyone should download right now:
1. How to Be a Heartbreaker (Brody and Rachel in "Feud")
2. This is the New Year (New Directions in "Naked")
3. Let Me Love You (Jake in "Naked")
4. Love Song (Rachel, Quinn and Santana in "Naked")
5. Longest Time (New Directions in "Lights Out")

Best Episode of Season 4: I Do.
Glee always crushes the Valentine's Day episodes. And the wedding episodes. Every single thing about this episode was perfect. Rachel and Finn played it perfectly, everyone looked awesome, great songs, a little lesbian loving, and really played the Marley/Jake/Ryder thing well. SUCH A HAPPY DAY.

Worst Episode of Season 4: Britney 2.0. By far.
An example of Glee trying to do something for the fans rather than just doing the show the way they want. Used stupid Britney songs that no one cared about, it just made no sense, Brittany was a hot mess and we were forced to think about the Marley/Jake saga way too soon.

Least Favorite Performances:
This took a lot of time and thought. But these are my final decisions & I have no regrets:
#5. Bye Bye Bye/I Want it that way performed by Will and Finn. I am probably just being extra harsh because these are two of my favorite songs ever. But it was completely ruined and it could have been amazing. The awkward and out of sync puppet dancing, the evil stares, and slow motion fighting and then hugging. Just made no sense. Sounded jarring and alarming to the ear.
#4. Hung Up performed by Tina Cohen Chang. Don't even want to waste my energy typing about this so I will just paste what I wrote that week: Like come on now seriously. Tighten up, Tina. Stop letting your head bobble around like its about to detach. Miley Cyrus backup dancer. And this song??? Of all Madonna songs???
#3. Womanizer performed by Marley Rose and Unique. I will remember the awkward transition into this song until the day I die. This is before Marley had any presence when performing and Unique is just ze worst. Blugh.
2. Gangham Style performed by the New Directions. At Regionals. Enough Said.
#1 WORST PERFORMANCE EVER: Baby Got Back performed by the Adam's Apples. Nothing worse than people thinking they are clever. Shut the eff up.

MVP of Season 4: This was a close race, with Blaine pulling out another flawless season and with the introduction of a new Puckerman and redemption of Rachel B after she took her fake hair out. But fo sho this has to go to Samuel Trouty Mouth Evans. Only mistake he made was dating Brittany, but even that seemed to make sense in the end. And he was just hilarious, hot and quotable all season. Haters gonna hate.

Worst Character that needs to get the ax: Unique. GO. BYE. GET OUT.

Unanswered questions heading into next season:
1. Did Rachel get the role?
2. Will the Glee Club compete at Nationals?
3. Are Ryder and Unique going to date? Will Ryder come back to Glee Club?
4. Will Blaine and Kurt get engaged?
5. What is Finn doing now? Is Cory Monteith okay and coming back?
6. Is Mercedes staying in LA? And Puck too where is that fool?
7. Will Tina ever be on the show again? Does anyone care?
8. Is Sugar Motta going to be allowed to attend school regularly next year?
9. Is Sam going to graduate? What is he doing next year?
10. Where is Blaine going to college?
11. Will Becky ever tell the truth and get Sue her job back?
12. Neck Brace girl. Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How? 

That's all folks! Thanks for reading all the way down to the very last lines... hopefully next season I will have a social life and will not have time to share my deepest, inner-most thoughts and analysis about a fictional musical tv show revolved around high-schoolers and their white people problems... but let's be serious I'm sure I will be back at it for season 5! Here's hoping that all the good people come back and when I say good people I mean Sandy Ryerson. Zendaya would be a great addition. Or what about Selena Gomez? JLo! Okay now I'm just naming Latina pop singers. We would do anything for SELENAS!

Seacrest Out. Gleekin Out.

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About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.