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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

If You Seek Artie

This week's Glee episode "The First Time" got all DEGRASSI on us, and I loved it! Let's get it on, shall we?

So even though this week's episode was not about Artie at all, there was a lot of dialogue about  him growing up and bossing people around. Is it too much to ask for an Artie performance?!?!? You couldn't find a song that related to being a director? I Just Can't Wait to Be King? Apparently he is McKinley High's Dr. Ruth (I wonder how many times he and Brit Brit did the nasty) and he urged/pressured Rachel, Blaine and Coach Beiste to do the wild thing. I thought the whole premise of having sex to understand Maria and Tony's passion was dumb, but luckily the actual having of the sexual relations didn't really have anything to do with Artie's suggestions. Moving on to the cutest couple of the year...

Blaine and Kurt! Some thoughts: I am obsessed with Blaine. He is perfect in every way- (sex on a stick and sings like a dream) and he is such a great boyfriend to not jump ALL OVER new Warbler, Sebastian. (Sebastian is the best thing I have ever seen and he has LACROSSE SWAG. Maaaavelous.) Although Karofsky being in the gay bar was random, I'm glad to know he switched school and Kurt helped him be happier. (Btw, loved the fake ids that looked nothing like them. Jessica Marie Todd anyone?) And Kurt's shimmying on the dance floor and Blaine not being embarrased showing that these two are made for each other. Their scene on the stage had me in tears. Oh yeah and they got it on! But I don't know how long either one of them can resist Sebastian... I mean come on. He is straight fire.

And onto my favorite Glee couple ever, (besides Puck and Quinn) Finchel. Okay, first want to say, that Finn is a straight up IDIOT to think that he would get RECRUITED as QUARTERBACK of OHIO STATE. Not even gonna try to play for a D1 school that isn't ranked in the top 25 all the time? Maybe even a D2 or D3 school? Idiot. But Rachel and Finn have overcome all obstacles and even though Finn forgot she was a vegan, they love each other and sweetly made love (I'm assuming). I really enjoy any scenes with them, and I cried during that last performance with the cuts to Rachel and Finn in bed, okay??

Mike Chang is sad about his Dad. But apparently he banged Tina last summer so he can't be that sad.

Favorite Performance of the Week:
"America". Santana and Puck singing lead, dancing, great dresses- they killed it. I love this performance so much! 

A close second:
"Uptown Girl" by the Warblers. Still killing it without Blaine.

Favorite Moment of the week: (Tie)
1. Rory's effed up hispanic accent.
2. Puck: "I thought they were my sneakers. What?"

Least Favorite Moment of the Week:
Mike Chang's Dad always showing up during school hours. Really friend? Go back to work and let your son learn.

Other Random Thoughts:
Love a good Reba McIntire reference. (I'mmmmm REBA!)
Kurt's Taylor Lautner fantasy told me that Glee's writers, like myself, believe Taylor Lautner may be coming out of the closet in the future. I go Back to December all the time.
Where was one Sue Sylvester?  Wasn't she crusading against West Side Story?
Seeing Blaine walk through Dalton was a dream.
Loved the all-girls meeting. Not sure why Santana and Brittany were invited and not Mercedes, but I'm not complaining! I wonder if Mercedes and Shane are getting it on, too?

Next week's episode:
Looks like a dodgeball fight between the two clubs and maybe Sectionals???!!! I'm so excited- I hope I don't read all the spoilers and ruin everything like I did this week.

1 comment:

  1. i'm going to utilize this comment section, because there is one, and this is america. shout out to jessica marie todd (is she still going strong? is she 30 yet?)

    i was upset with all of the build up to mike chang's dancing in this musical and... did he dance in this musical? i know he looked longingly at the audience.

    i was in west side story once, so i appreciated the terrible spanish accents (i'm looking at you noah puckerman) that come along with a high school production of it. tres realistic.

    and if mercedes wasn't getting it on with shane before, she DEFINITELY is now that he's ohio state-bound.

    LOVE THIS BLOG more than or equal to the amount to which i love my life.


About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.