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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Do Da Duende: Ricky’s Copa De Vida

Hola clase! I was going to attempt to write this recap in Spanish, but then realized I might come off a little “Shuester-ian” so I’m going to stick to the Spanglish I’ve mastered over mi lifetime.

After seeing the previews and all of the interviews leading up to this episode (I didn’t watch any spoilers for once!) I knew that this was going to be a purely fun episode, with no forward plot movement. And THANK GOODNESS I had expectativas bajas because I would have been extremely disappointed otherwise. But al contrario, I enjoyed the episode and can take it for what it was: a reason to get Ricky Martin to guest star.

The catalyst for this Spanish episode was Mr. Shue’s realization that he sucked as a Spanish teacher and needed to improve so that he could get tenure. I had no idea that high school teachers got tenure so I learned something new this episode. As a daughter of a Spanish teacher, (one who sings La Cucaracha, teaches the Mexican Hat Dance, and wears a sombrero) I thought this whole bit was hilarious. Of course Santana had a problem with Mr. Shue’s semi-racist and out of touch teaching method, which could have been a reasonable beef if Santana wasn’t known for being a bitch about everything. So to remedy the situation, it was “no more Mr. Nice Guy, hello Mr. White Teeth” and Shue brought in Senor David Martinez, a teeth model/night school Spanish teacher from the Chi, to help the kids learn Spanish. Btw one of the night class students was the dad from Smart Guy. YOUR BROTHER IS SMARRRRT

I would just like to say it's great that Ryan Murphy and Glee producers aren't afraid to focus on gay leading men for two episodes in a row. Even if one was a pedophile.

Also in the fight for this mysterious high school tenure prize was Sue, who had bigger plans to unfreeze her Kroger eggs and become a mother. I’m fine with this- Sue you’re a beast so do what it do baby, but several issues: 1) Asking for high schooler’s sperm is weird and gross 2) Sue seemed really uneasy and tired in the this episode. And 3) all of the talk about her getting pregnant made me think of a dusty kaslopis. Gwoss. But happy to see appearances by NeNe and Figgins, and even Emma, who got tenure because of her awesome pamphlets! Pamphlets really are useful, but Ems, you are terrible at your job.

And if you thought Sue’s kaslopis was unsettling, that was nothing compared to the continuation of the boring and uncomfortable Sam/Mercedes romance. Was anyone else hoping that their week apart would help them realize that they didn’t really like each other???? Shane, be strong, we can do this- keep these two far away from each other.

One of the only meaningful segments of this week’s episode was Rachel’s engagement announcement to Kurt via Twilight pajama party. Thank God Kurt can see what they can’t see, which is that they are only using each other as security blankets. It’s cray how Rachel used to be so low on the totem pole but now Finn is clinging onto her.  Loved it when Kurt broke it down for Finn, and I hope that Finn can take his advice so that Rachel isn’t hanging with an apple who loves self-loathing. I HATE MYSELF Come on yall, it's a theme song Wednesday.

Overall Grade for the Episode: B
It was just aight, but I enjoyed it for what it was! Que sera, sera!

Favorite Performance of the Episode:
Do I have to pick one?? They were all pretty bad, but I guess I’ll go with Sexy and I know it because of the hilarious dancing by Sugar and Brit Brit. And because Ricky Martin is moyee caliente!

Least Favorite Performance of the Episode:
Again, all of them, but the worst for me was La Isla Bonita perfomed by Ricky and Santana. So boring. I heard she is sleeping with one of the Glee writers, which explains why she was given this stupid solo that added absolutely nothing to the episode. (Allegedly)

Favorite Moment of the Episode:
Twilight Pajama Party, with Kurt commenting on their period cycles then exclaiming SHUT UP with a mouthful of food.

Also when NeNe told Sue her child was going to pop out as a full-grown adult with a briefcase talking on a cell phone.

Least Favorite Moment of the Episode:
The way too long conversation about athletes cleaning their junk.

Other random thoughts:
Where will you be in 2030? Twinsies!! Jail or dead or both. NO PUCK!
Sam sounded just like Enrique. MOLEEE MOLEEE MOOOOLE. 
I love Sugar Motta.
I love Ricky Martin.
Mr. Shue was about to give Sue that sperm, wasn't he? And who is Sue's donor?
Too many close-ups on those horn shoes.
Is Blaine going to return with a glass eye?????
Loved Becky getting into the hip-hop dance on the side.
Please don’t give up on Quinn now that she is boring!!! I need more Quinn!

Next Week’s Episode
Valentine’s Day tribute entitled, “Heart.” I’m already declaring it the best episode ever. Watch the preview. Love SHACK??? Come on, it’s gonna be spectacular.

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About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.