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Friday, February 15, 2013

It's Ya Wedding So You Know Glee Bout to Wile i i Out. Happy Friggin_Val-entines Day.

Amazing episode. I knew Glee had a reason for all of its bullshit! It all came together so brilliantly in this week's VDAY/Wedding Episode. It was freaking perfect all the way.

Last week Finn kissed Emma and so this week Finn was thinking "I'm a dumbass idiot" (which he is) and Emma was still stressing the fuck out about planning and her fiance's best man smooching her. (I personally can't wait to plan my wedding seating chart, it's like picking seating at the Grammy's. Gotta make sure T Swizzle and John Mayer sit as close as possible for maximum drama!) Mr. Shue wasn't really helping ole Emma out... and it's a bit concerning that he would rather spend time yelling "ha HA!" with his Glee Club than calming down his obviously hysterical bride-to-be. But hey, Emma knew what she was getting herself into the day she met this man. He loves his glee club what can you do??

Meet me at the altar in your conservative white dress, we ain't gettin no better at being teachers so we might as well do it.

But Emma is just a hot mess! Her OCD and bird lady tendencies are getting the best of her and after a maniacal duet with opera-singing Shue and 'Cedes, she FLEES THE SCENE like a robber in the night!! Run away from me baby, run away. Yeah she pulled a Mr. Big but she didn't try to come back. Gosh I wish Emma came back so Mr. Shue could have beaten her with some flowersand Puck could have pointed his finger sternly, saying "NO." Damn missed opportunities to recreate a classic!

But kudos to Glee, because we know now that completing the mission at Ginger Wedding Convention was never the plan, the plan was to get all of the kids together for a Valentine's Day party in semi-formal attire! The following kids are out with the Asian Bird Flu: Kitty, Sugar, Unique, Joe- they not outchea. Which just means Glee didn't have enough money to pay the whole cast this week.

But the new kids that remained were fucking great. Marley and Jake are dating ya know, and for VDay Marley got Jake cufflinks made from a TYPEWRITER?? wtf how does that work. Maybe I don't understand what a cufflink is, or maybe I don't understand what a typewriter is. And we are starting to see that maybe Jake isn't all he is cracked up to be because he forgot to get Marley anything for Valentine's Day and is considering taking weirdly dressed Puck's advice to use her eating disorder as a way to save money on a date and see a skinny girl in lingerie. Luckily, Ryder Strong is there to be a good friend and give Jake advice on how to rock Marley's Vday socks followed by very solemn glances of longing. So Ryder helps Jake KILL IT, and Marley eats it up. Then at the Ginger Convention, Jake decides he wants to try to take it to the next level (meaning sex), but both Marley and Ryder agrees that she isn't ready. Marley then figures out that Ryder was behind all of the VDay sweetness, and when she goes to thank him, Ryder does what any best friend would do and professes his love and kisses her! Sneak attack! My thoughts on this love triangle:
- It is grool. There is no better shape than a triangle.
- It is even grooler because Marley is about to actually be faced with a dilemma. Jake is perfect in every way and clearly loves her, but also, Ryder is perfect in every way and loves her. I have no idea who she will choose and I hope it gets hella dramatic yo!

Moving on to more triangular patterns with the old kids. There were so many I feel I can't even attempt paragraph form right now.
- Blaine and Kurt and Tina and Adams Apple
- Rachel and Finn and Brody
- Sam and Brittany and Santana and Quinn
- Artie and Ali and Sugar??? YES WHERE WAS SUGAR PEOPLE?

But before I start that, one more thing about the non-kids. Sue was genius in this episode. It's been a while since she has been genius and it was a welcome return to brilliance! The walking down the aisle was epic, as was the line about the stripped down version of "I Will Survive." My meeting Jane Lynch must have finally rubbed off on her. (by meeting I mean seeing at close range.)

So we catch up with Blaine and Kurt making out in the back of a car!! LOVE IT WHEN YOU TALK FRAT TO ME!!! They are all over each other and cute at the wedding, but Kurt is trying to play it cool. Boy I know you want me I can see it in your eyes! Also in someone's eye is a look of straight psychopathic terror and that someone is Ms. Tina Cohen Chang. Yeah Tina went off on Kurt and admitted that she vapor raped Blaine and then Kurt called her a hag and Klaine decided to help Tina get a new bf. OK WTF Mike Chang was right there lookin scrumpcious!! Tina, come on ride the train. 

Also, Santana and Quinn were each other's dates commiserating over bad luck in love and how hot they both are. And then everybody in the club gettin tipsy and all of a sudden we've got ourselves a hot lesbian hookup!! Even this was great and kind of awesome, I just don't want Santana to fall in love with her. For a bad ass, Santana sho nuff is a needy bitch.

Freakin Aly (Ali) from the Glee Project 2 rolled up in there overacting as much as ever to be Artie's new love interest. She did an okay job considering her tendency to make horrific facial expressions. And Artie put it down! In a nerdy way. I'm sure Maggie Klee was foaming at the mouth.

Now to the most important couple of the century, FINCHEL. Rachel arrived to the wedding sans Brody because they want to keep it casual and apparently he is some kind of hooker or drug dealer. So Rachel and Finn naturally had to sing a duet together since Finn was so narvous about kissing Emma and all and Rachel was freshly spray tanned for the occasion. There was a lot of flirting and a lot of a tension now that Finn has been dieting, and I loved it all! Finn finally broke it down for Rachel- no matter what happens in between, we will be together in the end. SO FETCH. And then they sang a perfect duet and oh did I mention they got it on? Yeah they did man! And so did Blaine and Kurt, Santana and Quinn and Artie and Aly.

At the end of it all, we are left with a few parting thoughts. Here they are, spelled out in list form for you:

1. Aly and Artie are about to start dating. Bitch didn't win. Get Aylin in here.
2. Mr. Shue is still without his boo, has no idea where she is. Going to work with Finny Bear to find her and win her back.
3. Quinn is still straight but willing to go another round?
4. Rachel loves Finn. Finn loves Rachel.
5. Kurt and Blaine are still not together but it's looking better for them. And Tina seems to be over Blaine.
6. Marley and Jake are still in love and Ryder is still sulking in the background.
7. Rachel is pregnant!?!?!?!? There is no way her small body can carry that baby to term. Do I smell an abortion episode in the near future? Hot Button Issue #504.

Overall Grade for the Episode: A+++ BEST EPISODE EVER. EVER. EVER. Maybe not ever but definitely of the season.


#3 You're All I Need To Get By performed by Jake and Marley. Hearts and pink and beautiful voices and happiness. I want to be Marley.
#2 We've Got Tonight performed by Rachel and Finn featuring everyone else. SO FREAKING GROOL. We've Got Tonight to have sex in a hotel room.
#1 Just Can't Get Enough performed by Kurt and Blaine. Can't go wrong with a Klaine duet. And the freaking reception dancing was on point

Least Favorite Performance of the Episode: Getting Married Today performed by Will, Emma and Mercedes. It wasn't bad, Emma actually did a really grool job but it just alarmed me for a good portion of it and Will singing like he is on Broadway is never good.

Favorite Moment of the Episode: Either Sue walking down the aisle or Brittany and Sam dancing hilariously at the reception.

Least Favorite Moment of the Episode: "She loves me, she loves me not" lines. Finn you are a wanksta and you need to stop frontin.

Other Thoughts
- When I saw Mercedes I realized that I have missed her. Is that how I'm going to feel about Tina when she graduates?? Doubtful.
- I never saw Mr. Shue in DC once so I think someone needs to double check his story
- Puck and Kitty are dating now. This could work. Except she is a SOPHOMORE! I thought he liked cougars?
- Becky as the flower girl
- Why is Mr. Shue's class learning about the history of the bald eagle?
- Everytime I hear "Anything Could Happen" I only picture 5th Harmony with those big ass bows on their heads
- Of course Rachel's short ass caught the bouquet because that is plausible
- If you want to cry today:

1. Sam. He had no lines in this episode but his reception dancing said it all
2. Ryder
3. Rachel
4. Blaine
5. Kurt
6. Jake
7. Emma
8. Sue
9. Mike Chang
10. Artie

Next New Episode:
Tres semanas??? Are you joking? Vamos al cine.

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About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.