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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Prop Prop Americano: Luca Brasi Swims with the Fishes

Jenna Uskowitz fans must have been raising hell or something for this episode to have occurred. “Props” was good, but I can barely focus on this episode when I just want to watch Nationals over and over and over and over again. So I will quickly recap/judge and then on to the next one.

So here’s the deal. Rachel sang. Tina sang. Some people switched bodies and other crap happened. That’s basically the jist but read on if you must.

We kicked it off with Rachel Berry putting on her best baby voice in a typical self-indulgent and slow motion interpretation of one of my favorite songs of 2012 “I Won’t Give Up.” This is probably the only Rachel Berry cover that I don’t like more than the original. Jason Mraz holla!  This episode confirmed what you should all know and accept by now- it’s all about Rachel, she is the best, she is amazing, etc. Last week she said that her dream died, but this week she wasn’t going to give up on us!! (her and herself? Or the New Directions, I think she was referring to herself and her dreams). So in typical Rachel Berry fashion, she started stalking Whoopi Goldberg to get another chance at NYADA. There has to be another school Rachel, let’s broaden our horizons a bit? But whatever. All I have to say is that Rachel is Glee. Glee is Rachel. Everyone else can be mute for the rest of the show’s run for all I care. GOOOOO RACHEL.

Tina Cohen-Chang aka Girl Asian aka the Human Prop was not too keen on this school of thought, which exposed us to an odd relationship/dynamic between Rachel and Tina that left me feeling embarrassed for Cohen Cohen Chang Chang. They made it seem like Tina sits at home thinking about Rachel and putting pins in her Rachel Berry voodoo doll whilst Rachel combs her hair while singing to the mirror. WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH ME? Tina decided that she could do anything RB could do and she was FED UP!!

Tina… let me break it down for you. You can’t do what Rachel can do. The reason you don’t get solos is because you’re not even the 8th best singer in your club. Rachel is the least of your problems.  And you ain’t gonna be the lead next year either, so sorrrry about it.

That being said, she did a very nice job on "Because You Love Me." I really enjoyed her hitting those high notes, though I couldn’t help but imagine Rachel Berry singing the notes with more fervor and intensity. (Luckily I got my fair of CELINE DION who is married to Rene Angelil., for the night.) And in the end, Tina accepted her role as a back-up singer... which to me seemed a little bit like... bitch what? After all that you are just going to sew her costumes again? Lesson learned: Know your place. (???) Alll right.

In other news… two worlds collide, when Puck and Beiste both find themselves wielding Brandon Warren knives to defend themselves from jocks (I'm just a jock).

Turns out, things hadn’t really gotten better between Coach Beiste and Coooter Maaayyynkin, star of 21 Jump Street. After 3 of the muses made Beiste feel bad for staying with her hubby, she finally packed up and left, but not before ripping him a new cooter. Ew sorry had to do it.  When Beiste came onto Glee in Season 2 I never in my wildest dreams thought she would do such a grool job- but she was awesome yet again. Suck it Cooter! I hope your recruit de-commits! 

Puck aka Lola aka Punkin also had a breakdown. Rick the Stick hit him wear it hurts, and called him the same name that Quinn did oh so many years ago: “Lima Loser.” OH YOU HAVE CROSSED THE LINE!! DON’T NOBODY CALL ME A LIMA LOSER!!! Come on guys, we are ALL losers. The Glee Kid Rock sign is an L on your forehead. Nevertheless, a street fight broke out, and after Puck rose from the ashes (dumpster), he wielded a PROP knife (circle fits the square) and that really made him look like a bad ass. (I would have gone with twirling baton, but that's just me.) Beiste comforted Puck in an awesome Punkin moment and this all culminated in a freaking great TAYLOR SWIFT NUMBER AND I AM SITTING HERE WONDERING WHY THEY HAVEN’T DONE MORE T SWIZZLE ON GLEE!

And amidst all of this excitement- it was FWEAKY FWIDAY and everyone switched bodies! (for about 5 seconds).
Here are some of my highlights of the body swapping: 
-Puck doing the Blaine aware eyes.
-Artie had a ponytail
-Kurt’s finn face during Tina’s performance. I die.
-Kurt mocking the annoying pep talks that Rachel and Finn have to give each other to survive every episode
-Quinn NAILED her Sugar Motta  impression about 50 times in 3 minutes.
-Santana doing Artie’s church wave hahahahahahhaha

Overall Grade for the Episode: A
Hilarious. Puck and Beiste were MVPs.

Favorite Performance of the Episode: Mean performed by Beiste and Puck.  Despite Puck’s high-pitched nerd voice at the beginning, I loved it.

Least Favorite Performance of the Episode: What a Feeling performed by RB and her less talented counterpart Tina Cohen Chang. Have always hated that song. I blame JSOD.

Favorite Moment of the Episode:
Kurt yelling oooh Get her! Get her! When Tina feel into the coy pond.

Least Favorite Moment of the Episode: Mercedes as Brittany. Let’s never speak of that fat cat again. 

Other thoughts:
-Jersey shore Halloween costumes. I love Kurt.
-Of course Sue is driving the Nationals bus.
-You will wear this flapper dress and perform at nationals as lady porcelina
-Mike Chang’s middle name is Robert… fun fact for all you fans outs there
-I need to see The Artist
-Artie is my favorite person in the Glee Club right now because he is single.
-Tina should have taken that 50 dollar bribe and shuuuuuuddddup

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About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.