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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Scalps 3 1/2: Revenge of the NATINALS (misspelled on purpose get w/ the program)

I’m just going to come right out and say that "Nationals" was the best episode of the season. I am hesitant to even blog about this because I might forget something epic and then will forever taint my memory of the episode! Oh well, gotta do it.

So everything kicked off at Nationals in Chicago, where the New Directions had several obstacles between them and their 1st place trophy:
-Mercedes has the H1N1 Virus
-Puck is studying for his geography exam and members of New Directions are at each other’s throats
-Unique is a celebrity in the show choir circuit! And Jesse St. James is far superior to everyone in New Directions
-Whoopi Goldberg might not show up
-Quinn’s legs may or may not work
-Mr. Shue is lacking confidence 
-The Troubletones still exist

Just going to throw some thoughts at you because I can't contain them!  I loved the pep talks and the Sue and Shue bonding for the kids. I love that Santana was so into it- remember when she was Sue’s spy for like 2 years? I LOOOVVVE those Nationals dresses. Looked great on everyone!! Far cry from THESE disasters. Now onto the performances.

New Directions:
Edge of Glory -What a surprise… the Troubletones were boring and waved their arms around a lot. Is that there trademark move or something? And I’m confused…Why don’t the nameless and faceless Troubletones get to be in the group huddle with everyone else? Do they have to stay in separate hotel rools? This is a civil rights protest waiting to happen. They were aight. Mercedes and Santana sounded great minus the flailing.
It’s all coming back to me now. Ok. Do I even need to explain? Yes I do. Rachel Berry has performed so many solos on this show, and this was almost as good as my personal favorites “Don’t Rain on my Parade” and “My Man.” Not as good, but almost and a great improvement from her horrible regionals solo. She performed it exactly right and tried to sound just like Celine Dion, which is all I ask of you RB! And damn she killed it. And it was kind of symbolic, right?, the feeling of being a star and performing was coming back to her after giving up on her dreams last week? LLLLLoved it. But where was Rachel’s traditional “Ladies and Gentlemen. The new Die-rections” at the end?
Dashboard Paradise “Vintage.” HOLY SMOKES. LOVED IT. So cute and amazing. Can’t wait to learn the words to this. Rachel and Finn, Puck sang. Santana and Brit. Kurt and Blaine. Rachel was on fire. Just phenomenal.

Vocal Adrenaline
I didn’t pay close attention to these but all I know is Unique did a split. Oh and Unique had stage fright. DON’T COME FOR ME. And I love Jesse St. James. My only wish is that he join Finn Rachel and Kurt at NYADA.

The Judges
Weird guy, Perez Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. I am not a Lindsey Lohan fan by any means but every time I hear her voice I am taken back to a special place and time. JAMBO. Also when did Perez get so skinny? Celebrity Fit Club? Scales don’t lie! Great back-and-forth in the judges deliberation room. This episode just brought the noise and brought down the house in every way.

The Verdict
New Directions were clearly better, and they won it all. Spoiler Alert. Woops. Cue the slow motion cheering, confetti and smiles. Moments that made me cry included: Rachel hugging Mr. Shue (remember when they were always at odds Season 1), Sue holding up the Hunger Games signal to the stage, Emma looking on with pride, Santana tackling Artie in his wheelchair. Just stop it now. Too good.

But the best moment for me, of course occurred back in the halls of McKinley. So I’ll go ahead and skip to my Favorite Moment of the Episode, and maybe of my life: When the Glee Club returned to McKinley. Slow motion confetti slushies. Jocks hugging Kurt. Cheerleaders and Rachel. Random girl getting Rachel’s autograph. That scene is what Glee is all about. Kids who were lost in the world coming together and kicking ass! Roooarrr I’m so pumped up with positive energy right now!

Oh and Emma and Will had sex. That was an interesting part to insert in there. It was my pleasure. Literally. Hahahaha oh Wemma.

But it ain’t over yet yall. We have one final scene to make Rachel cry her make-up off even more before she goes to work. (And by Rachel I mean me, the original Rachel before Rachel Berry was created.) The scene came to us courtesy of the Teacher of the Year award, which borrowed from Season 1’s finale and the kids poured one out for the homie Will Shuester. Say what you want about the man, but he loves his kids. (Maybe too much). I just loved the whole damn thing, especially the hug line, in which the extra long hug to Kurt Hummel caused me to burst out into uncontrollable tears. I need to become tougher over this summer hiatus, clearly. What a way to end. Flawless.

Overall Grade for the Episode: A+++
Wonderful from start to finish. Gave me all those Glee moments that I (literally) live for.

Favorite Performance of the Episode: Dashboard Paradise. Got everyone involved, but highlighted my girl. It was epic.

Least Favorite Performance of the Episode: The Ping Pong song. I zoned out.

I have no least favorite moment because it was all so great. I’m all a-twitter with happy tweets.

Other Thoughts:
-Finn was sooooo sweaty during his Nationals performance
-What is New Directions Bubbly? They were definitely getting crunk in the choir room
-Unique is coming to McKinley??
-Sue with the two Hunger Games shoutouts. Idhi.
-Jesse St. James is a class act and I love him so much.
-I wonder if after a lovey-dovey Finchel scene, Cory Monteith takes Lea Michele aside and says “I really meant what I said in that scene.” Hahaha these are the things that I think about.
-Does that same show choir announcer travel around to every competition in the universe?
-The unholy trinity- Love it.
-Did you notice how they tried to spotlight Finn’s dancing?? Haha good job Finn
-Most of the New Direction’s choreography consists of them running circles around each other but I love it so much
-Unique has topped everyone in the world as the most dramatic person of all time
-The “higher than any other” in Starships bothered me so bad.
-Principal Figgins is once again the MVP of every episode ever.

Next Week’s Episode:
Might all my dreams come true in one episode??? I can’t wait, but alas I never want this season to end!!!! I cried during the preview. Please watch and relate. Relax, relate, release! Please let Sandy Ryerson be in this episode. Commencement speech?

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About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.