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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Class of Two Thousand & Glee: I Wuz Here?

Holy Shit.

Glee Finale People! The End of an Era! What a way to go… with kind of a lame episode that ended with a bang.

This episode took us through each Senior’s transformation and future plans, but I don’t really think that did it them all justice. So therefore I will do the job that they failed to do. Here we go.

Let’s start with the least important senior: Mercedes Jones.

Haha I’m just kidding, Mike Chang is clearly an afterthought- he didn’t even have his own inner monologue. Matter of fact I have nothing to say about him, except that they REALLY could have made me cry with a goodbye scene between Tina and Mike. They were so obsessed with each other!!! Grrr. Fail #1 Glee Season 3 Finale. 

Mercedes Jones
In my opinion, Mercedes has changed the least through her 3 years in the Glee Club. She still dresses wack as hell, but at least her hair has VASTLY improved. She was always a great singer, and now she has a “recording contract” to show for it. She totally screams back-up singer to me so I have to thank Kentucky-Fried Stripper for pointing her on the path of righteousness. Ok, I’m being a bitch. Mercedes has been a great member of the cast, what having become a worthy Rachel Berry rival, befriending Quinn in her time of need, rocking Cheerios lady pants, and protesting cafeteria bans on tater tots. And our lives will never be the same after “Hell to the No”, not to mention she gave me my Nationals routine song. I’m not sure if we will follow her journey to L.A., but she was a great original member and I will miss her Jennifer Hudson wannabe ass.

All-Time Favorite Mercedes Performances: Take Me or Leave Me (Comeback) Aint No Way (Night of Neglect)

Noah Puckerman
One of my favorite Glee characters ever, and someone who I plan on stalking in real life if I ever get the time. I love Puck, and over the last 3 years he has really just given us the unexpected, from being in love with Quinn (which was my favorite storyline EVER), to breaking up Finn and Rachel, to dating Mercedes AND Lauren Zizes, to screwing a teacher. In “Goodbye,” Puck passed his exam with a Puckerman A  (C Minus) and now he is qualified to move to L.A. and clean pools…. Good for him? I do know that he did a great job being the lead singer of that odd graduation ceremony in which names were called in random order and everyone danced on stage haphazardly. Glee Stud with a heart of gold. 

All-Time Favorite Puck Performances: Fat Bottomed Girls (Silly Love Songs) and his part in Run Joey Run (Bad Reputation) #trugenius

Quinn Fabray.
Oh, Lucy Caboosy… I think we all can agree that your transformation is complete. I know many people hate Quinn, but I love her almost as much, (and at times more) than Rachel Berry. No one has ever rocked a high pony or a baby bump quite like her. However, I am not satisfied with how they closed out her high school career. Everyone knows that I am obsessed with Quinn and Puck being together and the fact that they just threw that in there for 5 minutes in the season finale just infuriated me. Reallllly? Of course she loves him, but the fast-talking and pity kiss made it so unbelievable! Gosh dammit, Glee. However, the Sue goodbye was good and warranted, so I appreciated that. And I do love the RB and Quinn friendship, although they have really been neglecting that storyline lately.  Whatever, I guess they can’t do it all. I hope we get to see Quinn date the future President of the United States or something next season. (I assume she is coming back, if not I will be on suicide watch.)

All-Time Favorite Quinn Performances: I Don’t Want to Know (Rumours) I Feel Pretty/Unpretty (Born This Way)

Brittany S. Pierce ain’t graduating. She has a 0.0 GPA hahahhahah. Good one, Glee. See you next year IDIOT. Maybe you an Artie can have another go?? Love triangle between you Artie and Tina? I really need to send letter to Ryan Murphy.

Santana Lopez
Gloria Estefan, your presence was SO unnecessary, but you wrote my mom’s favorite song so I will say you did a fine job. Ok Santana is one of the most awesome characters ever, hated her for a while, but can’t deny that talented bitch. She has decided to forego her made -up fairytale scholarship to Louisville to move to New York and become a star. #Truidiot. I was waiting for her to be on the train when RB stepped on, but I guess she had to take the megabus. She is still more into Brittany than Brittany is into her, but sometimes it be's like that. I can see her kicking it with Lilo and Demi Lovato in New York in the future so let’s make it happen cap’n. I’ll miss you sandbags.

All-Time Favorite Santana Performances: Valerie (Special Education) River Deep Mountain High (Duets)

Kurt Hummel
I can’t say enough about what this character has done for this show. Kurt Hummel has single-handedly turned my life views around and I think it’s incredible that a fictional show can do what it has done with such a powerful story. I love Kurt in every way imaginable. And every scene that Kurt and Burt have done together has been grool, including tonight’s shoutout to the Queen herself, in a touching moment of full-circle acceptance and father/son love. Unfortunately, Kurt did not get into NYADA, which comes as a complete shock considering Whoopi seemed to love his performance. Maybe she was at Nationals like where is homeboy in the gold pants? Oh he is in the back? 100 points off! But on the bright side- he still has Blaine- who is the most perfect human being to ever grace the planet earth. Here’s hoping he still makes it to New York- I honestly think he will- Glee isn’t that heartless right????

All-Time Favorite Kurt Performances: Rose’s Turn (Laryngitis) Happy Days Are Here Again (Duets)

Finn Hudson
Or maybe Glee is that heartless. In a shocking turn of events, Finn decided to break up with Rachel, on the day of their wedding no less! But it wasn’t from a place of normal asshole guy evil... after he found out he wasn’t getting into acting school (well no shit, Sherlock) he didn’t want to hold his bride-to-be back from what was clearly her destiny. This decision encompasses all that Finn has been for the past 3 years, a really genuinely good guy who always ultimately does the right thing. And although we probably all felt that his decision to go to the Army and redeem his dad while leaving Rachel was the best for the both of them… that scene in the car may have been the saddest of my life. Oh wait, then he ran with the train? I’m crumbling into a ball on the floor. I truly can’t believe they broke Finchel up… but I’m oddly okay with it. What a way to go- can’t wait to see what he sings about in the army…? Finchel... it's been real.

All-Time Favorite Finn Performances: Faithfully (Journey) and I Don’t Want to Know (Rumours)

Rachel Berry
As I have been telling you all for years, Glee is all about Ms. Rachel Berry. Which I why I have a playlist dedicated to Rachel called “Ms. Rachel Berry” and a life-size cut-out of her in my apartment. (To be fair, I also have Santana and Kurt playlists named “Satana” and “Everything’s Coming Up Kurt”…but I digress.) It turns out, all of her hard work, psychotic habits, scheming, sabotage and persuasion paid off and she was the only one of the threesome who got into her school of choice. I was full of glee when she got accepted! Of course she got accepted! She is RACHEL FUCKING BERRY! But when she said she was going to defer for a year to stay with Finn and Kurt, I wanted to wring Ryan Murphy’s skinny neck for portraying her as a dependent weakling who was giving up everything for dependency on her friends. Thank God her boyfriend is a gem, and now she is able to spread her wild oats in the big apple. Bless you, Finn, for letting this gold star shine again. Rachel Berry, I can’t wait to see you yucking it up with Sarah Jessica Parker next season and I can only hope that you live with Santana and sing each other lullabies at night. McKinley High will never be the same. But where were your gay dads in this ep? Not cool.

All-Time Favorite Rachel Performances: (this is so difficult) Don’t Rain on My Parade, (Sectionals) My Man, (Funeral) Happy Days Are Here Again (Duets)

Overall Grade for the Episode: A-
The last scene with Rachel and Finn was amazing, but I can’t get over the rushed Quinn/Puck scene and the lack of the best song for this episode ever: I WAS HERE. That is probably the worst mistake Glee has ever made. Like… what? I’m sorry it is going to take me weeks to get over that poor choice of final song. Roooooooarrrrrrr!!!!!

My Top 10 Favorite Performances of Season 3: (and don’t think I just came up with this… I have been making a playlist all season)
10. Wedding Bell Blues performed by Emma. I’m sure no one likes that but me haha.
9. Love Shack performed by mostly Blaine and Kurt.
8. Never Can Say Goodbye performed by Quinn.
7. Paradise by the Dashboard Light performed by New Directions
6. Shake it Out performed by the Muses (Tina, Santana and Mercedes)
5. I am the Greatest Star performed by Kurt Hummel
4. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face performed by Tina, Mercedes, Santana and Rachel
3. I can’t go for that/You make my dreams come true performed by the New Directions
2. How Will I know performed by Rachel, Mercedes, Kurt and Santana
1. We Are Young performed by the New Directions. Radio has killed this song but the performance still makes me teary-eyed.

My Top 10 Episodes of Season 3:
10. The First Time
9. Mash-Off
8. Prom-Asauras
7. On My way
6. Choke
5. Heart
4. Asian F
3. Hold On to Sixteen
2. Yes/No
1. Nationals

This season has been weird… so different from other seasons and was definitely cheapened by the introduction of Rory and Long-haired boy. But I love the characters, and I loved what they did with everyone at least at one point or another. It’s going to be a long summer… but hopefully I will have paparazzi pictures of Lea Michele and Cory Monteith to keep me occupied.

Thanks for reading my blog- Kate, Allison and Sarah Arnall. Hahaha. 

1 comment:

  1. Several more thoughts as I re-watch this morning:

    1. How many times a day does the Glee Club meet?
    2. How dare Kurt dedicate his song to the boys of Glee Club?!?!? They were always hanging out and bonding without him! The girls were your homies!!!!
    3. Mr. Figgins is best character on Glee I don't know who they are foolin


About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.