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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

That Awkward Moment When You Can Walk Again #PromProblems

Before I recap and blog about the awesomeness of this awesomely awesome episode, I just want to say that whoever invented prom was sent straight from heaven and whoever decided to make a glee prom episode an annual occurrence… (Ryan Murphy) I tip my tiny prom hat off to you. If you aren’t as excited as I am you should def check this out. BEST TV PROMS EVVVA

Furthermore, I want to go to prom. I want to tan for 3 weeks straight in preparation, and then go to a salon to get my hair done and then take it out as soon as I get home and redo it in colonial judge curls. I want to go eat a group dinner at a Sino American Chinese buffet and then dance the night away to the sweet sound of the New Directions. I feel like I’m floating on air just thinking about it. Kind of like castles in the clouds or a stairway to heaven?

But of course the Glee kids can’t just have a worry-free and jubilant prom like normal people. So I thought I would discuss these prom problems using the #hashtag #promproblems and give all of you countless readers a taste of how they #solvedthem #or #didn’tsolvethem.

#PromProblem 1: Brittany Rocks a Rattail
Brittany S. Pierce gave us a glimpse into what the world would be like if Sarah Palin were ever elected President. And we discovered that she was screwing the pooch in all kinds of ways and in jeopardy of having the post eliminated all together. She needed to redeem herself both literally in the eyes of her student body and administration and figuratively in my eyes as she annoys and bores me. But after this episode… I got 99 #promproblems but Britty ain’t one. Her one-liners were hilarious, and when she called that girl Rachel Berry I died and went to prom heaven. She also successfully rocked a braided rat tail and performed a song that was within her vocal range. So snaps for you Brit! And none for gretchen weiners bye. And the Dinosaur theme ruled man! Just killin it on all levels, except she only got 4 votes for prom queen but I repeat, sometimes it be's like that.

#PromProblem 2: Becky Buckwild wants a seat on Noah’s Arc (see what I did there?)
It was the return of Becky’s inner monologue as she lashed out against everyone because she was not nominated for prom queen. Ouch. After breaking an accordion or two and being called a bitch by her mentor, (wonder where she gets that from) Becky turned to strip poker (?) to help calm her nerves. Really? Is this an episode of General Hospital that I missed?  Fortunately, Puckerman who was going through his own #promproblem of being #dumb&unmotivated, crowned Becky queen of the punch-spiking and gave the viewers a feel-good moment. Puck was shirtless for a spell and he successfully spiked the punch and even better news- he’ll get another go at it next year! Silver lining!

Let’s move on to Quinn in a segment I like to call…
#PromProblems: The #IamParalyzed edition
Quinn’s problems are both psychological as they always are and physical (see: Wheelchair). As for her psychological problems, we were taken back to last season’s creepy Quinn music and she apparently is still obsessed with her plan to Take over the world (win the crown). This is confusing for me, because I thought we were past this stage of her life, but nevertheless it was good to see the fight in old Quinn again. But as she realized, she basically kicked high school’s ass and she doesn’t need a crown to feel good about herself (but apparently Rachel Berry does.) After all... it's just... plastic. But seriously, she should have been queen. Prom Queen is Prom Quinn? It’s just too perfect.

Which brings me to phase 2 of her #promproblems: Her inability to walk. Hey Finn… suck it. She was in a wheelchair. She is allowed to get sympathy votes and sit in her chair for as long as she wants. If I remember correctly- you pretended to be handicapped in Season 1 (Episode: Wheels) to get a job to support your fake unborn baby so kick rocks, Quinn is the shit, she can do whatever she wants.

#PromProblem 4: Gellin like a felon
Blaine almost protested prom because of hair gel. That’s what makes you beautiful na na na na na na na.

#PromProblem 5: The Election Imperfection Proved the Votes were a lie (Song Lyric credit to Kate Southall)
What is with the stuffing ballots at this school? This isn’t Florida, people. Have some class.

#PromProblem 6: Rachel Berry throws herself a Pre-Prom Pity-Party
Sigh. So much to say about poor little Rachel Barbara Berry. I am torn about my sympathy for her. On the one hand, the failed audition was rough and for her that’s probably worse than THIS happening. But the Quinn jealousy was dumb- aren’t you guys like totally Besties now? And to boycott your senior prom is like sacrilegious and also against the rules of feminism! But I knew she would come around, and she did so looking FABULOUS (10’s across the board 10 10 10 10) if I do say so myself. But in a shocking twist of events (don’t know how I didn’t see this coming) Rachel was crowned prom queen! Apparently in high school now if two people vote for you- you automatically win!

In this moment of shock, I had several thoughts running through my head. They were: She doesn’t deserve this because 1. she looks banging, 2. she has more talent than anyone in her school 3. She is engaged to the love of her life 4. She has awesome friends 5. She isn’t an outcast anymore, etc. But after all of the negative thoughts left my brain, I started crying of course because I flashed back to her old days in Season 1 when all she wanted was to be popular and special and now her two sworn enemies (Santana and Quinn) had decided to lift her up out of her doldrums and give her a nice night. So I thought it was sweet. And I loved it.

Overall Grade for the Episode: A+
It’s PROM for God’s sake. The music (while boring) fit in perfectly with the episode (aside from Big Girls Don't Cry... random) and I just love seeing everyone in their prom fashion!

Favorite Performance of the Episode: Take my Breath Away  (also my least Favorite of the episode, see next lines) I love Quinn singing anything, and I liked all the snapshots of everyone. 

Least Favorite Performance of the Episode: Take my Breath away.
I hate that song. Jessica Simpson and her weird mouth ruined it for me for life.

Favorite Moment of the Episode: When Brittany got that Prom Committee girl confused with Rachel Berry.

Least Favorite Moment of the Episode: Sam and Mercedes are dating??? Way to drop that bomb on us when we were casually enjoying a Glee prom episode.

Other Thoughts:
-I am actually extremely concerned about Tina Cohen-Chang’s mental state after Mike Chang (no relation) leaves for college
-Jar Jar Binks
-Girl taking a bite out that dinosaur leg. Just a thought.
-Mike Chang is so adorable.
-Shane’s new girlfriend… can we say upgrade??? Hahah woops
-Finn is overly sensitive about everything. Guess that’s what makes him a good bf. Sigh.
-I don’t think Sue is really preggers
-Where were Roz and Coach Beiste in their gowns? And Emma come on you can do better than that
-DISAPPOINTMENT! That Figgins didn’t pronounce Quinn’s last name wrong like he has in the past. FAHHHHbray.

Next week's episode:

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About Me

I am obsessed with Glee. And have very strong opinions about each episode that I need to express or my heart will explode.